HCA 13/71 f.234r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.234r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Allen marchants of London to hoope and make fitt twelve hogsheads of Copperis
to be laden on board the shipp the Julian which hogsheads (as the sayd Alderman
Johnsons man told this deponent) the arlate Anthony Tether had bought of the
sayd Johnson and Allen, and this deponent accordingly did hoope them and make
them fitt and Merchantable to be sent aboard the sayd shipp, and sawe them by porters
put on board a lighter in Saviours dock neare horseydowne to be carried
and put on board the sayd shipp and saith hee knoweth they were accordingly
laden on board the sayd shipp for that the sayd shipp shortly after they were
soe laden on board her did sinke with the sayd twelve hogsheads
of Copperis in her and the sayd hogsheads of Copperis being thereby
much wasted and damnified this deponent did by an order under the hand
of the sayd Anthony Tether demande and receave from the arlate
Richard Bryan the sayd twelve hogsheads, (the Copperis conteyned in them
being by reason of the sayd shipps sinkeing and the wett they had receaved
the most part of it melted and consumed soe that there was (of this
deponents sight and certaine knowledge) about the quantitie only of one
hogshead and a halfe of the sayd twelve hogsheads of Copperis remayning
and saith hee this deponent did by order of the sayd Tether take from
on board the sayd shipp the sayd 12 hogsheads and soe much Copperis as
remayned in them and caused them to be brought on shoare at Saviours
Dock aforesayd, where after they were landed this deponents father
Symon dryver a Cooper did by order of the sayd Tether dispose of
the Copperis which soe remayned in the sayd caske which was about a
hogshead and a halfe and sold the same for the use and Accompt of the
sayd Tether unto one Johnathan Welch and the empty
casks the sayd Tether sold and disposed of to this deponents sayd father the
sayd Symon Driver (sic), And further to those articles hee cannot depose
not knowing in what condition the sayd shipp was at such tyme as the
sayd Copperis was shipped on board her nor what words passed betwixt
the sayd Tether and the sayd shipps company at the tyme of the ladeing the
same a board the sayd shipp, nor seeing the same put on board her, but only
seeing it put into the liter (sic) as aforesayd to be shipped, and afterwards receiving
the same from on board the sayd shipp in manner aforesayd./

To the 7th hee cannot depose not knowing the custome or order in such
case as is arlate/

To the 8th saving his foregoeing deposition to which, hee referreth hee cannot

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true/


To the Interrogatories/ [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee was none of the Company of the Julian
nor present at ladeing the Copperis Interrate into her And further saving
his foregoeing deposition hee cannot answere./

To the 2 hee answereth negatively videlicet that hee was not present at any tyme when
the sayd Tether and Bryan spake togeather touching the ladeing the copperis aforesayd
And further he cannot answere./