HCA 13/71 f.233r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.233r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 5th he saith that hee being Masters Mate as aforesayd well knoweth
that the sayd shipp the Samuell of London did stay at Laratato (sic) arlate by the
space of two or three and forty dayes and would have stayed there longer
if the factor or Agent of the sayd Baffe had desyred her longer stay,
but saith the Factor of the sayd Baffe after shee had stayed there the
sayd two or three and forty dayes, and had taken on board her the sayd
one hundred and twelve tonnes of wine (Accompting two pipes to
a tonne) sent a noate in writing to the sayd Christopher Page to the effect that he had noe
more wines to lade on board the sayd shipp Samuell and that therefore
hee might depart with that hee had allready laden, And saith the sayd
Factor the next day after the sayd noate soe sent did shipp him selfe
on board an English shipp one Salmon Master (the shipps name hee
knoweth not) and came in her for London England and did not put any
more wines, than aforesayd, on board the Samuell, And further to this
article hee cannot depose /

To the 6th hee saith the sayd Page did bring the sayd hundred and
twelve tonns of Wine in his sayd shipp the Samuell from Teneriff to
London and there delivered the same to the sayd Basse or his Assignes safe
and undamnified saving such damage as unavoidably happened by
stormy weather at sea, this hee knoweth being Masters Mate as aforesayd
and helpeing to unlade the sayd wines at London And further to this
article hee cannot depose /

To the 7th hee saith hee referreth him selfe to the Charterparty aforesayd
which hee beleeveth to bee true And further cannot depose/

To the 8th hee saith hee well knoweth that the shipp Samuell (untill
such tyme as shee was somewhat damnified by
fowle weather which continued for ten days togeather and better in her
homewards voyage in question, and that by the violence thereof the sea on the 14th day of
November last brake over the shipp and brake her mayne tack and sheate
and caused her to take in three foot water in hold) was a tight and stronge
shipp and fitt for such a voyage as shee was imployed in, and continued
firme and tight under water during the rest of her voyage the sayd stormy
weather being over, soe that hee is well assured that what soever damage
is happened to the wynes in question did happen meerely by violence
of the sayd storme and not through any insufficiencie of the sayd shipp
or neglect of the Master and Company of her, who all of them did
faithfully performe their dutyes the voyage in question And further
to this article hee cannot depose /

To the 9th hee saith hee well knoweth that after the Samuell aforesayd