HCA 13/71 f.231r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 231 |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 29/09/2012 | |
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IMAGE: P1130621.JPG | |
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Jill Wilcox | |
First transcribed | |
2012/09/29 | |
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Edited on 22/11/2012 and on 05/05/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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To the 6th Interrogatorie hee saith hee this deponent was the person who gave
notice to the Interrogatorie Samuell Mathews in manner predeposed and saith hee gave
him the sayd notice in the moneth of Aprill 1655 within two or three dayes
after the arrivall of the shipp William in the sayd River but the certaine day
hee remembereth not And further saving his forgoeing deposition he cannot
To the 7th hee saith hee cannot answere saving hee saith that about the
middle of the moneth of July and before the protest made before the sayd Clayborne the foresayd Samuell Mathews being on
board the shipp the William in James River the sayd Phillip Ewers complynith
unto him the sayd Mathews that the sayd shipps ladeing was not sent on board according
to Charterparty and told him in the presence of the sayd Clayborrne and
this deponent and divers others, that hee the sayd Ewers must and would
make a protest against the sayd William Watts for not causing the
sayd shipps ladeing to be laden aboard her according to Charterparty
whereto the sayd Samuell Mathewes replyed and sayd hee could not
helpe it, for hee had not goods of the sayd Watts sufficient to freight
her according to agreement, nor could get tobaccoes sufficient to
freight her with, and therefore the sayd Watts must be content
to pay what dead freight the sayd shipp returned with or hee
spake words to the same effect./
To the 8th hee saith the sayd shipp brought home from Virginia
the voyage in question three hundred and twenty hogsheads of tobacoes
or thereabouts which at fower hogsheads to the tonne (which is the usuall
Account in Virginia) amounted to about
eighty tonns of tobaccoe of which only fifteene hogsheads were
for the Account of the sayd William Watts, and the rest for Accompt of
severall persons who had here in England contracted alsoe for freight
in the sayd shipp (shee being a vessell of the burthen of two hundred
tonnes) but the names of the severall persons hee at present remembreth
not And further to this Interrogatorie hee cannot depose/
Repeated before Colonell Cock and doctor Godolphin
The same day
Examined upon the sayd libell./
Rp. 2us
ffrancis Canter of Wapping in the parish of Stepney and
County of Middlesex Mariner Gunner of the shipp the William
aged thirty two yeares or thereabout a witness sworne and
examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet
To the first article of the sayd libell hee saith that during all the tyme
arlate the arlate Phillipp Ewers hath bin and still is Master of the
arlate shipp the William of London and for such was and is commonly
Accompted this hee the latter knoweth having gone Gunner of the sayd
shipp the voyage in question and alsoe a former voyage to Virginia next
before the sayd voyage in question and knoweth in both the sayd voyages