HCA 13/71 f.225r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.225r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


vessell and at their owne costs and charges and for their use and account
and furnished the timber to the said building out of the Lordshipp and
grounds of the said Messieurs de Cornovaille, which this deponent
sawe fetched from their place called Kerinau neare Brest, and sawe it
wrought and incorporated into the said vessell; and after shee had laine
soe longe built, they rigged and fitted her up and set her out on the
voyage in question, being her first voyage as aforesaid, and they the said
ffloran de Cornovaille and his brother René Lewes de Cornovaille alonge in her from
Brest for London, which hee knoweth because hee this deponent came pilot
of her. And lastly that the said James and ffloran Cornovaille were
the owners of one halfe part, and the said John de Mescham
Sieur de Landegareau owner of the other halfe part, and soe at present
the said James de Cornovaille and the Inheriters of the said
ffloran and the said monsieur de Mescham are owners of the said vessell, and
the persons to whom her freight belongeth, and that noe other person
(that ever hee heard or beleeveth) hath any interest therein, in the said

Tangui [?Keriuot] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The same day. [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the foresaid allegation in the actes of Court.

Claude de Gagnon of Melon neare Brest in Bretany
Mariner, aged 25 yeares or thereabouts, sworne and

To the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that hee well knoweth the
shipp the Saint Julian of Brest and hath well knowne the producents
James and ffloran Cornovaille and John de Mescham for theise
twelve yeeres last, and saith that they the said James Cornovaille and ffloran
Cornovaille (who is very lately dead) were and the said James and
Cornovaille and John Mescham and the Inheritors of the said ffloran are
the true and lawfull owners of the said vessell and of the tackle apparell and
furniture, and were and are as aforesaid all ffrenchmen and subiects
of the ffrench kinge and for such and owners as aforesaid they were and
are commonly accounted and reputed; And saith they the said Messieurs
James and ffloran de Cornovaille and John Messcham caused the said
vessell to be built at Brest, and fitted out on this present voyage
which is the first voyage that ever shee made, and wherein the said
ffloran de Cornovaille came in her from
Brest, all which hee knoweth because hee this
deponent sawe the said vessell on the stocks when shee was soe in building
and came out of Brest in her, and was and is one of her company
and otherwise hee cannot depose.

The marke [MARKE IS AN INVERTED ANCHOR] of the said Gagnon. [MARKE, RH SIDE]


The same day. [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the said allegation.

Rp. 3

Matthew Feas of the Ile of Moulin neare Brest
Mariner, aged 21 yeeres or thereabouts, sworne and examined.

To the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that hee well knoweth the
producents James de Cornovaille and John de Mescham and well knewe ffloran