HCA 13/71 f.20r Annotate
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2012/09/17 |
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23th Februarij 1655 [CENTRE HEADING]
Examined upon the sayd Allegation
Henry Hughes of deptford in the County of Kent Rope merchant
aged twenty four yeares or thereabouts sworne and exa=
mined upon the sayd allegaction and Interrogatories saith and deposeth
videlicet as followeth
To the first Article of the sayd allegation he saith, That the sayd shipp the Tho=
mas Bonadventure arrived the last tyme att Cyprus the voyage in question
about the first day of May 1652. and att that tyme she had on board
her in Cotton Woolls one hundred baggs or thereabouts, and four
hundred and odde baggs of galls. The premisses hee knoweth to bee
true for that he was Purser of the sayd shipp the voyage in question
and tooke an aććompt of her lading. And otherwise hee cannot depose
To the second Article of the sayd allegation he saith that over and besides
the sayd 100 baggs of wooll, there were laden on board the sayd shipp
during her stay att Cyprus after her last coming thither, two hundred and eight
baggs of wooll by Roger ffooke factor of the sayd Mr Alderman
ffrederick and Company fraighters of the sayd shipp, that is to say one
hundred and sixty bags for the sayd ffreighters owne Accompt [INSERTION1] and allso
thirty baggs more consigned to Mr Thomas Rich here in London
the freight of which sayd thirty baggs was to be made good to the
sayd ffrederick Chowne and Company and they were to have the benefitt
thereof, All which hee deposeth being Purser the voyage aforesayd
To the third Article of the sayd allegation hee saith That the sayd shipp
Thomas Bonadventure was and is a shipp of the burthen of two hundred
and eighty tonnes or thereabouts, and had in her the sayd voyage the
number of forty four men and noe more. which he knoweth
for the reasons aforesayd. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the .4th. article of the sayd allegation he saith, that the sayd Cyprus
Woolls (as is usuall att that place) were putt in very great baggs, and
did require very great labour to stow them, especially. after the sayd shipp
had receyved the first 100 baggs of wooll and galls aforesayd on board
her. And saith that in his Judgement. forty four men in a shipp of
the burthen of the Thomas Bonadventure (there being 100 baggs of
wooll and 400 and odd baggs of galls on board before,) cannot receive
and steive above eight baggs a day one day with another, for hee saith
that the Company of the sayd Thomas Bonadventure the sayd tyme
att Cyprus did not receyve on board and steive above eight baggs of wooll
eaćh day and day with another during such tyme as the sayd ffrederickes Chownes
and the other thirty sackes of wooll were lading, albeit they did worke
twenty howres of in four and twenty, and that with much labour and Industry
of this deponents sight and observation. neyther could they have taken in
more than eight baggs a day one day with another as he beleiveth, referring
himselfe to the Reasons aforesayd. And otherwise he cannot depose.
To the 5th. Article of the sayd allegation, he saith, That the the last of the sayd ffrederickes
and Chownes sayd woolls were not brought on board and steived till
about the two and twentyeth day of May 1652, And that assoone as the
same were steived the Company of the Thomas Bonadventure carryed
their steeving Instruments on shoare, and applyed themselves to
fitt their shipp for her homewards voyage for London, and shee
might have bene so fitted within two or three dayes, And her master
and Company did resolve to proceed directly for London assoone as their
shipp could be fitted, which he knoweth being then purser as aforesayd.
And otherwise he cannot depose.
[INSERTION 1 IN LH MARGIN] as freighters of the sayd a
shipp Thomas Bonad=
venture and fourty
eight baggs for the
sayd ffrederick and
Company as Owners
of the dart frigate