HCA 13/71 f.196v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 196 |
Side | Verso |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 22/09/2012 | |
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IMAGE: P1130550.JPG | |
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Alex Jackson | |
First transcribed | |
2012/09/22 | |
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Edited on 13/10/2012, on 05/12/2012 and on 11/05/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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The 23th of May 1656.
On the behalfe of Mr John Tivell}
and companie touching the seizure of the}
Noahs Arke by the ffrench.}
Claus Cornelison Col of Amsterdam Mariner
aged 24 yeeres or thereabouts sworne in Court
as by the Acts thereof, and examined upon
certaine Interrogatories saith and deposeth as
Rp. 1
1. 3us A 13.
To the first Interrogatorie he saith and deposeth that hee well
knew the shipp the Noahs Arke of which William durham was
Master, and saith hee went about September last from Newfound
Land for Malaga with a cargo of ffish for the account of the interrate
John Tivell of London Merchant and John Page of Plimouth
Merchant, owners of the said shipp, and delivered the same at
Malaga, and haveing soe donne, received there aboard for the
same account sixtie buts of wine two hundred and fiftie
barrells of raisins and four hundred frailes of raisins, which hee
knoweth being Masters Mate of the said shippe goeing the said
voyage and seeing the premises soe donne.
To the second Interrogatorie hee saith that having received
the said fruite and wines aboard the said vessell departed therewith
from Malaga and safely arrived with the same at Plimouth on
or about the nineth (old stile) of January last, and there
delivered thirtie of the said buts of wine, ninetie foure
barrells and two hundred frailes of raisins, and there took in eight
chests of white sugar, wherewith and with the residue of the said wines
and fruite brought from Malaga, hee departed on about the
twentieth of January last bound for London where shee was to have
delivered the same, but on or about the three and twentieth
of the same moneth in her course of proceeding for London, comming
off dover shee was met with set upon and seized by a man of
warr of Callice (of which one Captaine Bennard was Commander
and carried to Callice, where the said wines, fruite and sugar were
unladed, and there detained about six weekes space. namely from
the foure and twentieth of January aforesaid
to the seaventh of March next following (or thereabouts) old stile;
which hee knoweth being masters mate aforesaid and carried thither
in the said shipp and seeing the premisses soe happen.
To the third hee saith then the said Bennard and companie upon the
said unlading of the said goods at Callice, tooke and imbezled
away tenn butts of the said wines, and alsoe one and twenty barrells
and eighteen frailes of raisins, and further a good part of the
said shipps powder, shott, victualls and cordage, which hee knoweth
for the reason aforesaid, and saith the said shipp was much broken and