HCA 13/71 f.195v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.195v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


for such and to be a dutchman and subiect of the States of the
United Netherlands commonly accounted, which had knoweth to be
true, becourse hee this deponent hath from time to time seene
letters of such correspondence betweene them, and on the behalfe of the
said mr Robinson hath made entrie thereof in his Coppy booke.
of letters; And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the second article hee saith and deposeth that in or about
the moneth of October last past the said George Robinson wrote
and sent over to the said Rocus Parvé to Rotterdam desiring and
ordering him to freight a Holland shipp to goo thense to Saint
Lucacs under a holland master to receive her lading of oranges
and lemmons, and bring the same into the downes, and there to expect
the order of the said mr Robinson, for disposall thereof; and
further that the said mr Robinson ordered the said mr Rocus
Parvé to drawe bills of exchange upon him the said Robinson
for payment of and for the said lemmons and oranges, which
letters mr Parvé received (for hee answered the same,) which hee knoweth
having seen and copied into the said booke the said letters soe sent
by mr Robinson, and seene the answers from the said mr
Parvé. And otherwise hee cannot depose saving the said mr Robinson
alsoe ordered the said mr Parvé to write to and imploy his further correspondent [#]

[LH MARGIN] [#] at Saint Lucars to buy
in and lade the said
oranges and lemmons.

To the third article hee saith that according to the said Parvé

hired and freighted at Rotterdam for Saint Lucars a certaine holland
shipp, named the Armes of Brill (Martin williamson
Rosse master) and sent her for Saint Lucars to receive the said
cargo of oranges and lemmons of and from his correspondent
named Gilbert Melsoe (to be brought into at Downes,) and to the said Melsoe to lade the same
as by his letters sent to mr Robinson in answer of those received
from him this deponent hath seene, the contents of which letters
hee verily beleeveth to be reall and true. And otherwise referring
himself to the said letters annexed to the allegation, hee cannot depose.

To the fourth hee saith that the said Melsoe upon the said
shipps comming to Saint Lucars provided and laded a cargo of oranges
lemmons and corke upon her, according to order received by him
from the said Parvé,
which hee knoweth having seene the
Invoice of the said lading under the said Melso's hand, And
otherwise he cannot depose.

To the fifth hee saith that after such freighting and sending
the said shipp the Armes of Brill from Rotterdam to Saint Lurars
hee the said Parvé drew two bills of exchange (one of 250 li sterling and the
other of 500 li sterling) upon the said mr Robinson for payment
of or towards the said oranges, lemmons and corke and freight, the said
first bill whereof hee this depondent (who useth to act for mr
Robinson) accepted in mr Robinsons absense and in his the said