HCA 13/71 f.192v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.192v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and contract with one Mr Parker of London Merchant in or about the latter
end of Aprill or beginning of May 1655 for 3/4 parts of the sayd shipp And
this depondent hath credibly heard and verily beleeveth that the sayd Marriot before
such his buying the sayd 3/4 of the sayd Mr Parker did at Waterford in Ireland
buy of the Commissioners for prize goods there the other 1/4 of the sayd shipp her
tackle, apparrell and furniture And further to this article he cannot depose

To the second article of the sayd libell and the Charterparty or schedule
the same mentioned hee saith that hee being Master of the sayd shipp the
Aprill shower the voyage arlate to and from Ireland well knoweth (returning
home in her) that shee returned home to dartmouth in the month of
August 1655 according as by the Schedule or Charterparty now read unto him
it appeareth shee was bound to doe, And further to this artice and the sayd schedule
or Charterparty hee cannot depose (hee not beingg present at the signeing and
sealing thereof, only he saith hee beleeveth the contents of the sayd
schedule or Charterparty to bee true for that hee this deponent after
his arrival at dartmouth did attende there many dayes with the sayd shipp by order of
the sayd Nathaniell Marriott to take aboard her goods expected dayly to
bee laden on board her for Accompt of the arlate Bowtill and Jagoe/

To the 3 article of the sayd libell hee saith that hee goeing Master of
her well knoweth that the arlate Nathanerll Marriott did fitt and furnish
his sayd Shipp Aprill Shower with tackle victuals Mariners and all
things necessary to goe for Ireland and that the sayd shipp performed
her voyage thither and returned therto dead freighted to dartmouth arlate upon
the two and twentith day of August 1655 with intente then and there to take
such goods and merchandizes as should be laden aboard her by the
sayd Bowtill and Jago and to performe the Charterparty aforesayd and
to that end this deponent and his Contest Thomas Marriott in the sayd moneth of August and soone after the arivall of the sayd shipp
of the sayd Nathaniel Marriott severall tymes goe together (and some
tymes this deponent by him selfe) and acquainte the sayd Jago who lived at dartmouth that that the
sayd shipp was arrived and in readiness to take in their the sayd Bowtill
and Jagoes goods and to provide therewith according to the Charterparty or to that
effect and did severall tymes in the said Moneth of August, and after,
much urge and presse the sayd Jagoe in the behalfe or him selfe and the sayd
Bowtill to send their ladeing aboard and to dispatch the sayd shipp away upon
her sayd voyage which by Charterparty she was obliged to performe for
and on behalfe of them the sayd Bowtill and Jagoe. And the sayd Jagoe and the sayd
Bowtill delaying soe to doe for a long tyme after the tyme when they were
obliged by Charterparty to performe the same, this deponent and the sayd Thomas
Marriott seeing the delaye made by the sayd Bowtill and Jago did by order
of the sayd Nathaniell Marriott both protest against the sayd Bowtill and
Jagoe for such their delay which notwithstanding the sayd Bowtill and Jago
did not lade any goods aboard the sayd shipp nor discharge her away
but kept her there the space of three moneth or neere thereabouts after
the sayd two and twentith of August 1655 with all her mariners on
board her in dayly expectation of receiving ladeing from the sayd Bowtill
and Jagoe to the great damage and prejudice of the sayd Nathaniell Marriott
who all that tyme maynteyned this deponent and the sayd Thomas Marriott and the