HCA 13/71 f.189r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.189r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The third of May 1656 [CENTRE HEADING]

Complaine [?con] Brandling.}

Examined upon the seventh article of the allegation
given in on the behalfe of the said Complaine
upon which hee was not examined upon his production
at Ipswich by virtue of a Commission.

Rp. .1.

Robert Clarke of Ipswich in the County of Suffolk gentleman
aged 31 yeares or thereabouts saith and deposeth as
followeth videlicet.

To the said seventh article hee saith and deposeth that in or about
the moneth of November 1653 hee this deponent at Ipswich had
discourse and speech with the arlate William Marsh about
a hoy whereof they said Marsh had bin master and some goods
aboard her belonging to the producent mr Camplin,
in which discourse the said Marsh amongst other things confessed that
the said vessell being by storme and tempest driven to Graveling,
there were there some goods taken out of her by souldiers, and
carried into a church there, amongest which they said Marsh found
a chest of sugar, which was belonging to the said Camplin, which
he the said Marsh said hee sold there, or words to the same effect
And otherwise saving his deposition and anweres made to the tenth and
eleventh Interrogatories upon this examination at Ipswich by virtue of
a Commission from this Court (to which his deposition hee
referreth himselfe) and cannot depose.

To the Interrogatories here ministred [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith that the said Marsh was at libertie
and not under any restraint at such time as the said discourse
happened between they him and this deponent wherein hee made
the confession aforesaid; howbeit hee saith that before such
confession touching the said chest of sugar, the said Marsh had
often and earnestly denied his disposal thereof, but said th{?at} [?the]
vessell was wreckt and all the goods in her lost, and otherwise
saving his answers to the first Interrogatorie in the second place
ministred at the expediting the said Commission at Ipswich (to which
answers hee referreth himselfe, hee cannot answer.

To the second hee saith hee was [?Attowrney] for the said Complaine
against the said Marsh upon an allegation brought by the said Complaine
against the said Marsh at Ipswich for the said chest of sugar,
upon which allegation the said Marsh was arrested and imprisoned, but
afterwards released as this deponent hath declared in his answer
to the tenth Interrogatorie at Ipswich, to which hee referreth
himselfe, and otherwise hee cannot answer.

Repeated before Colonel Cork./