HCA 13/71 f.186r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.186r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 1st of May 1656:-

Thomas Atwood against the shipp hereto fore}
named the Swan and now the Satisfaction}
whereof John Fawkener was Master and}
against: Mr Benjamin Bressey and the said}
John Fawkener in speciall and all and all others}
et cetera. Budd. ffrancklyn}

Examined upon the Allegation on the behalfe of the said
Thomas Attwood.

Rp. 3us.

John Vinitro of Blackwall in the parish of
Stepney and County of Middlesex Ship-Wright
áged 35. yeares or thereabouts a Wittness sworne
ánd examined saith as followeth videlicet/

To the first Article of the said Allegation hee saith that in the moneths of
November december and January in the yeare 1654. last past this deponent
first knew and hath ever since well knowne the shipp the Swan arlate
whereof the arlate John Fawkener was master and Commander being soe
constituted appoynted and made by the arlate Mr. Benjamin Bressey
who then by the common report of the said Master and Companie was
accompted reputed and taken for the sold Owner and Proprietor of the said shipp
and of her tackle apparrell and furniture The premisses hee deposeth for that
hee this deponent was entertained and hired and served as Carpenter aboard the said
shipp from the said moneth of November 1654. till the Last of March last past
And further cannot depose:-/

To the second hee saith that hee this examinate was not present when the arlate
Thomas Attwood was hyred to serve in and aboard the said shipp, but saith that
at such time as this deponent first came to serve in and aboard the said shipp as
aforesaid, hee found the said Attwood in the same shipps service in quality of
Masters chief mate, and saith that by common report amongst the said
shipps Companie this examinate at severall times heard and understood aboard
the said shipp, that the said Thomas Attwood was to have 4: li per moneth
for and in consideration of such his service during the time hee should soe
serve in and aboard the said shipps and this deponent to the best of his Judgement
and in Conscience beleeveth that hee the said Atwood did well deserve does
much monethly pay as predeposed for his time and service in the quality
and upon a voiage of the same condition with the Voiage in question. And
further hee cannot depose:-/

To the third hee saith, That the said shipp under the Conduct and Command
of the said John Fawkener did upon or about the 13th day of December 1654
aforesaid sett saile from Gravesend bound for the Bermudas, the said John
Attwood, and the rest of the said shipps Companie then entring into full
pay the 8th day of the sayd moneth and that the said shipp was shortly after by contrary winds forced
to putt into falmouth, from whence shee proceeded upon her said designe
and being about 28. or 30. leagues (as he conceiveth) from off the Lands end
shee sprung a Leake, whereupon they were forced to putt into Milford haven
there to be repaired. The premisses hee knoweth serving in and aboard the said
shipp all the time predeposed, And further cannot depose:-/:.

To the 4th hee saith, That the said shipp being come to Milford haven as
aforesaid, the said Thomas Attwood togeather with this deponent and others
of the said shipps Companie were by vertue of a decree under the Seale of
this Court monished and ordered not to desert the said shipps service
but to doe and performe his and their service in and aboard the same, and
thereon to proceed upon the said Voyage. The premisses hee knoweth for and upon
the reasons and grounds in this his deposition expressed, And further
(referring himselfe to the said decree or monition, and to the Registry of
the Court) hee saith hee cannot depose/

To the 5th article hee saith, That the said Thomas Attwood being soe
monished and commanded as aforesaid did in obedience to the said decree
continue and attend the service of the said shipp ever since till about the
last day of March last past, and was assistant in the reparation of the
said shipp according to the duety of his place, and the commands and
direction of the said Master from time to time, And saith the said