HCA 13/71 f.185r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 185 |
Side | Recto |
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Jill Wilcox | |
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2013/04/13 | |
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Edited on 29/07/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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knoweth, both for that the like termes and allowances of such average have at
Lisbone aforesaid by severall Merchants been presented and proffered to this deponent
in case hee would undertake such a Voyage, and for that this deponent by longe
acquaintance and familiar conservation with Merchants and Masters of shipps
both English and Genoese hath constantly been credibly informed and assured of
the trueth of the Customs and practice predeposed. And further cannot depose
To the third Article hee saith that hee this deponent doeth not knowe nor ever heard
of any other allowance whatsoever from the freightor to English Masters and Mariners useing the
navigation aforesaid. save onely the allowance or average predeposed, and the
priviledge or benefitt of the Cabbin allowed the Captaine for the transporting of
passengers And otherwise cannot depose:-/:-
To the 4th Article of the said Allegation hee saith That in the moneth of November
1655. last past, the shipp the hannibal of London whereof this deponent was
and is Commander in chiefe being at Portsmouth then upon her discharge from
the immediate service of the Commonwealth wherein shee had bin employed under
the conduct of this deponent and this deponent then being at London in Company and
discourse at a sett meeting with the Owners of the said shipp and haveing a License
from the king of Portugall to goe with his said shipp to the Brazeele, this
deponent amongst other things propounded to his said Owners a Voiage with the said
shipp to the said parts of Brazeele, if such an opportunity word offered, when
hee should come to Lisborne, whereupon the said Owners demanded of this examinate
what hee would expect as to the average usually and constantly allowed to
Commanders upon such a Voiage, to which this deponent replyed, that what was
Customary upon designes of that nature, hee should and would expect to the full,
and that if any difference should happen about the said allowance or average
hee would (God granting him a happy Voiage and returne) referr the same to
Justice, or to indifferent men to be determined , and the said Ownes thereupon
propounding to this deponent to allow him a 4th part of such average and this examinate
refusing to goe upon such termes, the designe was broken off and the said shipp
commanded for London. And further cannot depose:-/
To the 5th Article hee saith that hee this deponent well knoweth, that the
arlate Captaine Edward Wye Master of the shipp the Saphire arlate
Captaine Peter Tatam Master of the shipp the hannibal arlate Captaine
William Ell Master of the shipp the Prosperous arlate, Captaine Thomas
Bell Master of the May fflower arlate and Captaine John Wills
Commander of the Successe arlate were all of them designed upon the said
voyage to Brazeele, but what agreement they respectively made for their
respective voyages thither hee saith hee knoweth not, nor can depose, otherwise
then that this deponent hath heard the said Captaine Tatam, Captaine Bell and
Captaine Wye say and affirme aboard this deponents shipp the America
in Cascales bay in Portugall, that they were to have the full average
allowance and privilidge belonging and due to Commanders of shipps goeing
for the Brazeele. And further cannot depose; saving his foregoeing deposition
To which hee referreth./
To the 6th Article hee saith, that by reason of his long continued experience in
matters of Contracts and Charteparties between Merchants and Masters of
shipps hee knoweth), That in all ordinary Charterparties for other voyages
and not for the Brazeele, it is usuall therein to expresse the freight in particular
either by the tunn, or by the moneth or by the Voiage, and that usually
primage and average, and sometimes petilad (sic) moneys accustomed are expressed in such
Charterparties over and besides the said freight, which said Average,
primmage and petilad moneys accustomed have from time to time constantly
belonged and been received by the Masters and Companies of shipps, and were
devided and Distributed amongst them, the freight aforesaid onely belonging
to such shipps Owners And saith, That in the Brazeele Charterparties it is usuall