HCA 13/71 f.181r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.181r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



The 22th of Aprill 1656 [CENTRE HEADING]

Richard Bancock and Sarah Bancock Administrators of}
the goods chattells and debts of Christopher Mitchell}
and deceased during the minority of William Mitchell}
and Christopher Mitchell children of the sayd Christopher}
Mitchell deceased against John Harris and}
Lawrence Chambers. Smith}

[XXX jus A.8 et 2.us A.3./

Rp. 3us

Examination the foresayd allegation

Christopher Neck of Rederiff in the County
of Surrey Mariner aged thirty years or thereabouts
a wittnes sworne and examined saith and deposeth
as followeth videlicet./

[XXXX 1XX A.8. et 2nd A.3./ Rp]

To the first article of the sayd allegation that he saith during all the moneths and
tyme arlate in the respective yeares 1647. and one thousand sixe hundred
forty eight the arlate John harris and Lawrence Chambers were the freight
ers and imployers of the arlate shipp the Little George and soe commonly
reputed this hee the better knoweth for that hee this deponent was one
of the Company of the sayd shipp during the voyage in question And
further saving his subsequent deposition hee cannot depose

To the 2. 3 and 4th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith and deposeth
That hee well knoweth that the arlate Christoper Michell during
all the tyme arlate happening before the tenth day of November 1648 did
serve in the sayd shipp as Master of her and was made Master of her
by the arlate John harris and Lawrence Chambers for a certaine voyage
from this port of London to the Barbadoes and other parts and places beyond
the seas and back to this port of London and the sayd Chambers and
harris did (as hee hath credibly heard and beleveeth being at the first goeing out upon the voyage
in question a servant to the sayd Christopher Mitchell) agree with the sayd
Christopher to pay unto him for such his service as Master of the sayd
shipp the sayd voyage the summe of five pounds a moneth for every moneth
hee should serve in her as Master and alsoe to pay unto him thirty shillings
a moneth for the service of this deponent in the sayd shipp the sayd voyage
hee being then the sayd servant to the sayd Christopher, and alsoe twenty shillings
more a moneth for the service of the arlate William Peeters the sayd voyage
hee alsoe being then a servant to the sayd Christopher, and hee alsoe saith
that hee well remembreth that the sayd Christopher Mitchell hee this
deponent and the sayd william Peeters did enter into pay in the sayd shipp
about the first day of March 1647 and sayled in the sayd shipp the Little
George to the Barbados and severall other places beyond the seas in the
imployment and service of the sayd harris and Chambers and continued
in their imployment many moneths videlicet the sayd Mitchell from about the
sayd first of March 1647 till the tenth day of November 1648 (on which day
the sayd Mitchell dyed) and this deponent from about the sayd first of March
1647 during the space of twenty months and upward next following the sayd first