HCA 13/71 f.179r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.179r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


A yeare since here in London meeting with the said Tiddiman at the kings
head taverne in Saint Clements lane, acquainted him with the order which hee
had to demand the said serges of him and company, and soe they falling to
treate further of the matter the said tiddiman at length treated of composing
the said difference by payment of money, and would have given fiftie
or three score pounds to have an absolute discharge from the [?sume], but this
deponent insisting on a greater summe they broke off. And saith that
either the said Jacobs or the said Goodwin were then and there present alsoe with
the said Mr Tiddiman, but which of the two hee remembreth not. And
others hee cannot depose.

To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first, second and third hee answereth that hee did not know
Tiddiman before the time predeposed but
hath severall times seene him since, and then had doth scarse know either the
said Jacobs or Goodwin, but is well assured that one of them was present
with the said Tiddiman the time and place aforesaid, because
such person as was soe with him treated of the said businesse as
being himselfe concerned as partner therein with Mr Tiddiman
And saith this deponent hath was noe share or interest in the said businesse
nor doth hee knowe derrick Swine, And otherwise hee cannot answereth
saving as aforesaid./

Repeated before doctor Godolphin with his precontest



The first of May [CENTRE HEADING]

Touching the shipp the Union of Leith}

Examined upon certayne Interrogatories

Rp. 4

John Tennant of Kirkawldy in Scotland Mariner Master
of the sayd shipp the Union of Leith aged 32 years or there
abouts a wittnes sworne and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet

To the first hee saith hee well knew the Vessell the Union Interrogate and was Master
of her at the tyme of her seizure hereafter specified And that hee alsoe well knew
the vessell of Warr Interrogate belonging to Rotterdam the Commander whereof
was the Interrogate Captaine Kirkoff and saith the sayd vessell of warr carried eight
gunnes and fifty men or thereabouts and was about the beginning of March 1655 English style in the
River of fforth neere Boraston in Scotland whether hee came as Convoy to severall
shipps from Rotterdam to the sayd place and saith that the sayd Kircoff while hee
soe lay there did give notice by letter to Masters of shipps in generall upon the sayd
Coast (each of them to show it to others) that hee was bound for Rotterdam and would
accept under his Convoy all shipps thereabouts that had occasion to goe for holland and
secure them in their voyage thither from the danger of all men of warr or to that
effect which letter was communicated and showne to this deponent by one Robert Camell
Master of a shipp belonging to Leith And further to this Interrogatorie hee cannot

To the 2 Interrogatorie hee saith that upon the nynth of March 1655 English Style
some shipps goeing out of the River of fforth to Sea this deponent thought that one
of them was the sayd holland man of warr who had undertaken to bee a Convoy as
aforesayd and thereupon this deponent with his shipp the Union made sayle the same day
after them and upon the 10th day of the sayd month being gott out to Sea and being
come neere to the sayd hollands man of warr the sayd Kircoffe the Commander
of her haled the Union aforesayd and asked this deponent whence hee and this shipp
were and whether bound whereto this deponent replyed his shipp Union was of