HCA 13/71 f.176v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.176v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


company together within a small distanse one of an other And hee this
deponent verily beleeveth that if all the shipps
taken having gunns of their owne) had bin by the sayd Kircoff
with his man of warr as he might have done and the two other dutch vessells that were with the Union and
all the rest of the vessels soe taken might have beene defended and
preserved from being taken by the sayd dunkirke and Ostend men of warr
And saith hee is well assured the Union and her ladeing at their seizure
were worth a very considerable value and did belonge to certaine Scotch
and English men inhabiting in and about Leith but their names hee knoweth
not And saith that hee hath heard by one Alexander Boutly living
at Camphire that the Union was after her being soe taken sold to some
Merchants of Middlebrough in Zealand where (as hee sayes) hee sawe
her lyeing And further hee cannot answere/



The same day

Examined on the sayd Interrogatories/

Rp. 2us

Walter Todd of Kircaudy in Scotland Mariner, aged
23 yeeres or thereabouts, sworne and exámined as

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth that hee well knew
the vessel called the Union of Leith Interrogated whereof
John Tannent was master, and well knew the man of Warr interrogated
Whereof one kirkhoff was Commander, and saith the said shipp of
Warr carried about eight guns and about fiftie men, and was in or
about the beginning of March last 1655 (old stile) upon the coast of
Scotland in the River of fforth near Boriston in Scotland, which hee.
knoweth being then aboard the said ship of the said Tannet (sic)
Wherein hee was a passenger bound for Rotterdam. And this deponent
heard that sayid kirkhoff had by a letter signified unto masters of
shipps lying on the said coast of Scotland that hee was a Convoy bound
for Rotterdam, and would be ready to Convoy them or to that effect.

To the second Interrogatorie he saith and deposeth that the said vessel
the Union of which the said Tannet was Master were about the tenth
of March last 1655 English stile went off at Sea to the said
holland man of war, of which the said kirkhoff was commander
and being come neere, was haled by him and asked whense shee was,
to which the Unities Company answered that shee was of Leith
and bound for Rotterdam, which when the said Kirkhoff heard, hee
replied saying that hee was bound for Rotterdam, upon which the Unities
companie saying that they should bee gladd of his company, hee badd
them welcome and dranke to them,
and receive them under his Convoy, and the said vessel the Union
stood by the light of the said man of Warr all that night; and
saith that the next day they met with three men of Warr of fflanders
belonging to dunkirke or Ostend or both who [?haried] the Union and
[?some GUTTER]