HCA 13/71 f.167r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.167r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


had heard him the sayd Paxton offered to take only the sayd ten pipes of wynes
which offer was so made by the sayd Webber. and then the sayd Paxton
moved the sayd Webber and his Company to take them out, but they refused so to
doe for feare of staving and dammage that might befall. And then the sayd
Webber and Company sayd that hee the sayd Paxton and Company might come
and take them out if they pleased. And the sayd Paxton replyed that in
regard they were stowed he would not meddle with them or to that purpose and so departed.
And otherwise he cannot answer.

To the 10th. he saith he hath not so deposed as is here suggested.
depose or answer knowing nothing thereof

Henery [?Crichett] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The same day Examined upon the sayd allegation.

Rp. 4.

Peter Road of Radriffe in the County of Surrey Mariner late one
of the Company of the shipp John and Mary. aged 21. yeares
or thereabouts a witnesse sworne and examined saith as
followeth videlicet.

To the . and 5th. articles of the sayd allegation This deponent saith That within
the tyme arlate the sayd shipp John and Mary was imployed in a merchan=
dizing voyage to the Canaries under the conduct of the sayd William Webber
as master of her, who likewise is a reputed Partowner of her. And
the arlate Mr Travers was the sole freighter as he hath heard, And
the sayd shipp arrived att Loratava road by Teneriffe, and there was
then an Embargo of all English shipps by the King of Spaines Ministers
where upon the arlate Bevin who was to lade the sayd shipp did, as
he heard, pay some Indulto moneyes before her lading of wynes could
be brought aboard. And it was colourably given out that the sayd shipp
was to be laden upon dutch accompt, to prevent danger of being seized on,
And it was not safe att that ttyme for Masters of English vessels to goe
on shoare. All which he deposeth for that he was one of the Company
of the sayd shipp the voyage in question. And further or more particularly
he saith he cannot depose.

To the .6th. article he saith there were laden on board the sayd shipp ten pipes
of wyne by mistake which, as appeared afterwards, should have bene laden
on board one Paxtons shipp then lyeing in the sayd Roade And otherwise
he cánnot depose

To the 7th and 8th. articles he saith he cannot depose.

To the 9th article he saith that after the lading of the sayd shipp John and Mary
as aforesayd, he the sayd Paxton came on board the sayd shipp John and Mary
and was offered and had free liberty from the sayd Webber to take the sayd
ten pipes of wine out of the John and Mary and putt them on board his owne
Shipp, which the sayd Paxton did refuse to doe of the certayne knowledge of
this deponent who was present and saw and heard what passed in that busines. And
otherwise he cannot depose

To the .10th and 11th articles hee saith hee cannot depose

To the 12th article and Charterparty therein mentioned he saith he cannot depose.

To the last he saith his deposition is true.
