HCA 13/71 f.166r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 166 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2012/09/21 | |
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Edited on 12/05/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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To the 11th. Interrogatory he saith he doth not know beleive or hath heard
that any Vessell or Vessells that were in the sayd storme did arrive
in safety att Ipswich with their ladings. And otherwise hee
cannot answer
Repeated before doctor Godolphin 19.o May 1656
Travers against Burridge}
and Spicer}
The 23th. day of Aprill 1656.
Examined upon an allegation on behalfe of the sayd Travers.
Rp. 3
Henry Crouchet of Southwarke Mariner late Boateswayne
of the shipp John and Mary. aged thirty yeares or thereabouts
a witnes sworne and examined saith as followeth videlicet.
To the first article of the sayd allegation, This deponent saith, that in the moneth of May
June July August September October November December and January
1655 last past, the arlãte William Webber was Master and commonly reputed
partowner of the shipp John and Mary arlãte. And in that tyme the sayd
shipp under Command of the sayd Webber made a voyage to Teneriffe as
is arlãte, which he knoweth to be true for that he was Boatswayne
of the sayd shipp the sayd voyage. And otherwise he ćannot depose.
To the second article he saith he cannot depose.
To the third article he saith he ćannot depose
To the fourth article he saith, that after the sayd shipp arrived at Teneriffe in
the Canaries, there was an Embargo made of all English shipps there by the
Officers of the king of Spayne, by reason whereof, as this deponent then
heard the sayd Webber say, the arlãte Robert Bevin, who is a factor
there, and doth busines there for the producent as he hath heard, was
forced to pay and did pay some moneyes by way of indulto, (but how
much he knoweth nor hath heard) before any wynes could be laden aboard
the sayd shipp. And otherwise he cannot depose.
To the 5th article of the sayd allegation he saith, that being boatswayne of the sayd
shipp as aforesayd hee knoweth it to be true, that the sayd shipp lay in the road
of Lorotava, and that the sayd Bevin and Webber did give out that they
were to lade and putt on board the sayd shipp a lading of wynes for the
accompt of dutch merchants, and the dispatches were all made accordingly.
ánd that the same was done to prevent confiscation. And that it was very
dangerous att that tyme for English Masters of shipps to goe on shoare
for feare of arrests and imprisonment. And otherwise he cannot depose
To the 6th. article of the sayd allegation he saith he did as Boatswayne of the
sayd shipp receyve on board her ten pipes of wyne, wherein it seemes;
as afterwards did appeare, the Boteman that brought them did commit an
arrest, for that hee should have ćarryed them to another shipp. And further
or otherwise he cannot depose.
To the 7th. article of the sayd allegation he saith he knoweth nothing thereof nor
ćan say any thing to it.
To the 8th. article he saith he ćannot depose