HCA 13/71 f.161r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.161r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


satisfaction for the same, And saith that they the sayd Goodwin and
Tiddeman did then offer to this deponent on behalfe of the plaintiffs a
summe of moneyes which to the best of his remembrance was fifty or
sixty pounds sterling to have the sayd busines quietly taken upp, or to
that purpose; but this deponent had not order to accept of so small a
summe. And further referring himselfe to the Law and the Acts
of this Court he saith he cannot depose.

To the last he saith his deposition is true.

To the Crosse Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogatory he saith he knoweth none of the parties interrate save the
sayd Goodwin and Tiddeman whom he first and last saw att the
Kings head in Saint Clements Lane London where he mett them touching
the sayd busines. And further otherwise than negatively he cánnot

To the second he saith he did not see the serges in question. and saving
this precedent depositions to which he referreth himselfe he cánnot
otherwise than negatively answer.

To the third he referreth him selfe to his foregoeing depositions and otherwise negatively.

before Collonel Cock./.)



28th day of April 1656.

On the behalfe of fferdinando Body}
merchant against John White.}
Smith Suckley}


Rp. ,1

Francis Harvy of Wexford in Ireland merchant aged forty
two yeares or thereabouts a witnes sworne and examined saith
as followeth. videlicet.

To the fourth article of the sayd Libell, This deponent saith, That about the
month of July last past he was severall tymes in Company and had
discourse with the arlate George Denny master of the shipp the Little
Mary upon which vessell this deponent had laden some goods to be in
her transported to Wexford in Ireland, she then lying in this River.
And upon that occasion he came to know by the relattion of the sayd Denny
that the sayd fferdinando Body had taken the sayd shipp to freight, and
that he had the sayd denny had his instructions and dispatches from the
sayd Body to sayle from thence to Wexford and there to take in goods
from the sayd Bodyes factors and transport them to Teneriffe in the Canaries
and there deliver the sayd goods and to take in other goods. And otherwise or further hee cannot
depose saving he hath heard that the sayd shipp was from the Canaries
to returne for England./

To the seventh article of the sayd Libell This deponent saith that after the premisses,
he this deponent went by Land to Westchester, and so for Wexford in
Ireland, whee he safely arrived in the month of August 1655 and saith that a good tyme after this