HCA 13/71 f.160r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.160r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


upon the sayd first bill or schedule, and in her name hath likewise demanded
the sayd severall summes so due upon the sayd second third and fourth bills or
schedules of and from the sayd Hathcel. And hee hath likewise spoke to
the sayd Captaine Titsell who signed bills for all the sayd goods, who replyed
that hee was not ćoncerned in the payment of the sayd moneyes, but that his
Owners were to pay the same. Howbeit hee saith the sayd bills do yet
remayne unsatisfyed. And otherwise he cannot depose.

To the 10th article he referreth himselfe to the Acts of this Court. And
otherwise ćannot depose.

To the 11th article he saith the sayd Captaine Titsell being so spoken unto did
acknowledge the receipt of the sayd goods for the use aforesayd, but sayd
his owners and not he were to pay for them. And otherwise hee ćannot

To the 12th hee saith the sayd Hatchel is by common repute an Englishman
a subiect of this Commonwealth and to the Jurisdiction of this Court.

To the 13th hee referrs himselfe to the law.

To the last hee saith his deposition is true.

To the Crosse=Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the sayd Interrogatories This Rendent saith he did see the most of all
the goods and provisions in the sayd thee last Schedules delivered for the use
of the sayd shipp as aforesayd. and saw some of them in the sayd shipp and
beleiveth all were sent in and upon the sayd shipp Three Sisters and
not in or upon any other shipp. but the goods in the sayd first Schedule
mentioned he saw not delivered. And he saith he does beleive that there
hath bene fifty pounds payd in part of the sayd first Bill, twenty pounds
whereof she sayd Mr Hatchel upon the payment thereof expressed
by the terme of loane or lending. saying or causing to be writt upon
the same notes he should have done. [Payd] but [Lent to Mrs Dell twenty pounds upon this bill] or to that effect. And otherwise he
cannot depose or further answer.

Repeated before doctor Godolphin



On the behalfe of the
sayd ffurley etcetera

The 28th day of Aprill 1656
Examined upon the sayd allegation

Rp. 2

John Vickers of Colchester in the County of Essex merchant and
Collector of the Customs there, aged forty one yeares or thereabouts
a witnesse sworne and examined saith and deposeth as followeth.

To the first article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith, That the arlate John
ffurley [XX iun] about the latter end of ffebruary 1653. did enter twenty
peices of serges weighing twelve pounds per peice in the Customes howse
and att Colchester. And about the same tyme his precontest William
Low acquainted this deponent that he had ten peices of serges belonging