HCA 13/71 f.145r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.145r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


the shipp, this deponent was present and to his best remembrance sawe
the said bale comyeing aboard, but about six weekes s[?ince] and [?before] when the said shipp
was to be restored to the governance of the said master the said bale (being ordered
by this Court to be restored) as searcht for and could not be found in the
said shipp but was gonne and imbeazled out of the same, while shee was
in the hands and under command of the said officers,
which hee knoweth because hee was alsoe present when the said bale
was soe sought for, and sawe that the same was not there to be found
but was gonne; and after it was soe gonne the said shipp came and was
restored to the master, but the said bale was first lost.

Jan van Lathum [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The same day. [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the said allegation.

Rp. 3.

John kein of Middleborowe Mariner, aged 43 yeares or
thereabouts sworne and exámined.

To the first and second articles of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth
that about this time hee beleeveth and while the said shipp the hare in
the ffeild was and remained in haver du Grace taking in her lading for

+ AS No.60.

the barr of Cadiz, there was a bale of goods of the marke and number
in the margent laden by one monsieur Chevalier as imployed by monsieur
Begaux by order and for account (as by the bill of lading) of Mr William
Bartelotti of Amsterdam, to be carried to the said barr and there to be delivered
according to the said bill, which hee knoweth because hee this deponent was
then master of the said shipp and received the said bale aboard and signed
a bill of lading for the same (which hath nowe seene) any by the said bill
the said bill appears to containe white bone lace, And further that
the said shipp in her course for the said barr, was seized by the shipps
of this Commonwealth, and upon the said seizure the said bale came
to the hands of the Captaines and officers of the said Commonwealth
but this deponent was upon the seizure of the said vessell dispossessed
and put out of her, and kept out of her the space of two and twenty
weekes or thereabouts, and that when this deponent was afterwards
suffered to come aboard and had againe the command of the said shipp
hee sawe [?the] upon [??recover]ing that the said bale of goods was gonne
being conveyed away while the said shipp was under the power of the
officers of this Commonwealth. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

Repeated before doctor Godolphin with his precontest.



The 6th of May 1656.

Robinson and the Wildeman, and}
van Cullen. Clements. Suckley.}

Examined on the fore said allegation of the said Van Cullen.

Rp. 3us.

Roger Warner of the parish of Saint Buttolph Algate
Waterman, aged 55 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and

To the first, second, third and fourth árticles of the said allegation hee saith
and deposeth that Cornelius Peterson master of the shipp the Wildeman