HCA 13/71 f.108r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 108 |
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2013/04/10 |
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To the 8th article of the sayd allegation hee saith that Mr henry Negus
and Mr Robert Barker marchants of London and others who had wine laden
aboard the sayd shipp John and Mary at Loratava by for their Accompts did as
they told this deponent pay or allowe upon Accompte unto the sayd Bevin as
laid out by him for them the summe of fifty eight Ryalls per pipe for every
pipe of wine sent for them in the sayd shipp the voyage in question for Admission
money, and saith hee beleeveth that all English shipps which did
receive aboard them any wines at the Island of Teneriff
the voyage in question were inforced to pay admission money before they
were permitted to lade any wines aboard them And further to this article
hee cannot depose/
To the 9th article hee saith that the tenn pipes predeposed of were put on board
this deponents shipp in the night tyme (by mistake of the boatsmen who
brought the same without any noate and told this deponent they were sent to him by Mr Bevin afore=
sayd (as other boates who came with other wines and without noates alsoe told this
deponent) by which meanes they came to be laden aboard this deponents shipp
the John and Mary, And saith that after they were soe laden the arlate Roger
Paxton came aboard of this deponents shipp the John and Mary the next day after they were laden and had free
leave given him by this deponent to take the sayd Tenn pipes out of
this deponents shipp and stowe them in his the sayd Paxtons shipp if hee sawe they could safely and without preiudice
to other wines on board the John and Mary amongst which they were stowed, bee taken
awaie, and hee saith the sayd Paxton seeing they could not bee conveniently
removed out of this deponents shipps went away and left them there And
further to this article hee cannot depose./
To the 10th hee saith hee hath seene a letter wich hee beleeveth to be written
by the sayd Bevin to the sayd Travers expressing to this effect that by
reason of the ladeing the sayd tennn pipes of wine by mistake on board
the John and Mary which should have bin laden aboard the sayd Paxtons
shipp hee the sayd Bevin did offer the sayd arlate Burridge to lade
Tenn other pipes of Canarie wine for Accompt of the sayd Travers on board
the sayd Paxton in compensation of the tenn pipes soe laden aboard
the John and Mary by mistake as aforesayd, and that the sayd Burridge
refused to permitt the sayd Bevin soe to doe, and further to this article
hee cannot depose saving hee saith hee heard the sayd paxton saye his
shipp came home full laden the sayd voyage and that hee might have
had more wines laden if hee could have brought them/
To the 11th article of the sayd allegation hee saith hee this deponent was at
Teneriff the voage in question by some English Merchants there offered
seaven pounds sterling a tonne for such proportion as hee would lade
aboard his shipp from thense for them to carrie the same to London the
sayd voyage, and saith hee beleeveth the sayd Travers hath satisfied and
paid or undertaken to pay the Customes and excise of the sayd Tenn pipes
of Canarie And further to this article hee cannot depose as touching freight
for that noe bills of ladeing were signed for the sayd Tenn pipes./
Mr henry Negus
Mr Robert BarkerSources
Primary sources
C 5/91/31 Short title: Paxton v Randall. Plaintiffs: Roger Paxton, Margaret Paxton and Christopher Paxton. Defendants: Jane Randall widow, [unknown] Holton, and others. Subject: personal estate of the deceased Henry Paxton of Lombard Street, London. Document type: bill, answer. 1686
PROB 11/254/480 Will of Robert Barker, Merchant of London. 14 May 1656 10 October 1692
PROB 11/321/396 Will of Henry Negus, Merchant of Norwich, Norfolk. 09 August 1666
PROB 11/411/434 Will of Robert Barker of Saint Dunstan in the East, City of London.
PROB 11/454/366 Will of Roger Paxton, Mariner of Redriffe, Surrey. 04 March 1700