HCA 13/70 f.688r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.688r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 8th of 9ber 1655/ [CENTRE HEADING]

Mabb against Greene}
ffrancklin Smith}

Examined upon an allegation bearing date the 2 of October
1655 made on behalfe of the sayd Greene./

Smith. Greene [?XX]

George Coddington of London Chirugion aged 26 yeares or
thereabouts a wittnes sworne and examined saith and deposeth as
followeth videlicet./

To the first article hee saith that hee this deponent was Chirugion of and aboard
the arlate ffrigott the hector in the moneth of September 1654 and thereby
knoweth and well observed that about the 15th day of the sayd Moneth of
September 1654 the arlate henry Mabb being then Master of the hector
and a Collyer being comming up the River of Thames laden and neere the hector the sayd Mabb
would not suffer his company of the hector (though they desyred him to give
them leave and told him it was requisite for him to doe soe) to vere the hectors
Cable that the Collier might winde up being laden and passe cleere of the
hector, by which meanes a collier to whome the hector laye fastned with
a hawser seeing the sayd mabbs obstinacie and fearing that
it might occasion some damage to
his the sayd Colliers shipp to which the Hector was fastned by the sayd Mabbs not vereing did thereupon cut
the Hectors hauser wherewith shee was fastned to his shipp and turned her
loose by meanes whereof the Hector fell fowle of one Collier neere her
and broke thereby her the sayd hectors quarter, and another Collier coming
up the river laden fell fowle of the hector and brake her head stemme and
mizen mast and her mayne topp mast which dammage this deponent beleeveth did amount
to a considerable value, but how much hee knoweth not And the hector by reason
of the sayd dammage was hindered some three or fower dayes from
proceeding on her voyage shee being then ready to goe to sea: this hee
deposeth being then Chururgion of an aboard the hector And further to this
article hee cannot depose saving the sayd dammage happened by the willfullnesse of
the sayd Mabb not suffereing his men to veare as aforesayd./

To the 2 hee saith that in the Moneth of October 1654 and about the 15th thereof
the Hector being
then at Cowes in the Isle of Wight broake loose in the night tyme by the
negligence of the sayd Mabb in not causing her company to moore her safe,
by which meanes shee fell fowle of an other shipp there and brake her the
hectors quarter and Mizen Maste and damaged her much and hindered
her some few dayes from presenting her intended voyage but the value of
the dammage hee cannot depose not being experienced in the rates of such
things as were spoiled, this hee deposeth being Chirurgion and aboard when
the premisses happened and further hee cannot depose/

To the 3 hee saith hee well knoweth that the sayd Mabb did as master take
upon him: to conduct the hector to Bilboe, and saith it plainely appeared to this
deponent and others of the Hectors company that when hee came upon the Coast
he knew it not nor could give any Accompt what part of the land it was that