HCA 13/70 f.679r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 679 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/10/13 |
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The 7th day of November 1655/ [CENTRE HEADING]
John Bayly and Company owners of the shipp}
the Imployment against the shipp the James}
and Marten (wheref Phillipp Stafford is Master}
and against the sayd Stafford and company}
coming in for their interest therein and against whomsoever}
els appearing in this behalfe: Cheeke ffrancklin}
Examined on a libell given in and admitted on the part and behalfe
of the sayd John Bayly and company
Rp. 1
John Moore of Ipswich in the County of Suffolke Mariner
aged 29 yeares or therabouts a wittnesse sworne and
examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet./
To the first article hee saith that the arlate Phillipp Stafford in the moneths of
September and October last past was and still is Commonly accompted to bee Master
and Commander of the arlate shipp the James and Martin and further to this
article hee cannot depose./
To the second hee saith that during all the tyme arlate of his this deponents
knowledge the arlate John Bayly was and is Master and Commander
of the arlate shipp the Imployment this hee the better knoweth being one of the
Company of the sayd shipp and having soe bin for these twelve moneths last past
during all which tyme the sayd Bayly hath gone Master of her And hee saith hee
beleeveth that the sayd Bayly is alsoe Owner of a sixteenth and a two and thirtieth
part of the sayd shipp and soe hath bin for this eight or tenn moneths last past for
that hee heard one Mr Bowle who was former owener of the sayd 16th and 32th parts
of the sayd shipp affirme and say that hee had sold his sayd parts to the sayd
John Bayly and for such a part Owner the sayd Bayly is commonly accompted
And further to this article hee cannot depose
To the 3 article hee saith hee referreth him selfe to the lawes and Customes
orders and rules of this Court and further hee cannot depose saving hee
saith hee hath often heard that shipps ought not to ride in the River of
Thames without a boy to their Anchor, and that if they did soe it was and is
a thing punishable./
To the 4th article hee saith that hee well knoweth and observed that the
shipp the James and Marten arlate did ride neere Execution dock
arlate in the River of Thames without any boy to her Anchor for the
space of 6 or seaven tydes togeather next before the tyme the
shipp Imployment arlate did sitt upon the Anchor of the said James and
Martin and indeed all the while the Imployment rode there by her before the dammage in question happened, and
alsoe after the sayd dammage happened this hee knoweth the better for that hee being Masters Mate of
the Imployment did carefully looke about on every side both
in the day tyme and night tyme to see and observe whether there were any
boye neere the shipp the Imployment and alsoe for that after the damage receaved hee did underrunne the Cable of the James and Martin and then alsoe found that there was noe boy at her Anchor And further to this article hee
cannot depose./
To the 5th and 6th hee saith hee referreth him selfe to the Rules and orders of
this Court And further hee cannot depose saving hee saith that hee
well observed and knoweth that the arlate shipp the James and Martin at the
tyme the Imployment fell or sett her Anchor was moored