HCA 13/70 f.676v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.676v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Examined upon the foresaid allegation.

Warner against homer.}

Rp. 4

Richard homer of Ratclifff in the County of Middlesex
Mariner, aged 24 yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the first article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that at such
time as the shipp the Angell arlate did depart and sett saile from this port
of London upon the voyage in question, shee was a strong, tight, stammch and
sufficient shipp, and sufficiently tackled, apparelled and furnished with
cables, sailes and other furniture and necessaries fitt for the voyage of
Virginia upon which shee was bound, and upon her going forth was new
trimmed and fitted with sailes and all other things and full and necessarue
All which hee knoweth going out masters mate in her. And otherwise
hee cannot depose.

To the second article hee saith that after such fitting and preparing the
said shipp for the said voyage, shee departed on the same from this port
[?XXX] towards Virginia, and in her course thitherward namely on or about
the one and twentieth of december 1654 comming about eightie leagues
short of Virginia shee met with an extraordianry storme and tempest
which continued for the space of seaven dayes and nights
together in greate extreamitie, soe as the company of the same expected
every moment to be cast away and perish in the sea, and that in and
by the said storme, the said shipp lost her masts and sailes and saileyards
and became exceeding leakie and ready to sinck and founder in the sea.
which hee knoweth being masters mate of her and going the voyage in her/

To the third hee saith that the arlate Mr Warners factor (to whom Mr Warrens
goods were to be delivered) at Virginia was in the said storme and tempest
aboard the said shipp, and saith the said shipp having host her masts
yards ad sailes and thereby becomming soe leakie and in such condition
as aforesaid, there was a Counsell called aboard and held by the master
officers and passengers to consider and determine what in soe
greate extremitie was fittest to be donne, and it was
by them in generall concluded and agreed that it was not possible to
saile the said shipp to Virginia, but that for preservation of shipp, goods
and mens lives they should beare up and goe to the Barbada's, the
winde and weather serving thereto, but not for Virginia, and thereupon
they bore up, and sailed for the Barbadas and there arived, all
which hee knoweth being present and seeing and hearing the same.

To the fourth hee saith that at such time as the said shipp came and
arived at the Barbada's Roger homer her master caused her to be inspected by experienced
persons to see of shee could be made serviceable to saile to Virginia
and upon the said view and inspection, shee was found by the said viewers
(as they declared) to be altogether unserviceable insufficient and infitt
to proceede any more to sea, but was fit to be broken up, Besides hee
saith that there were newither masts nor planck fitt for her use and
repairing to be got at the Barbada's. And saith the said disaster and