HCA 13/70 f.672v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.672v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


which being donne the said shipp departed from Boston for virginia
and there safely arived on or about the seeventh of Aprill 1655
and there remained and abode in delivering out and taking in
of her lading upon the account of the said mr Andrewes untill
the twentieth of June lest past, or which day (and not before) the
last of her lading was put aboard her in virginia by
thesaid mr Andrewes his factor there, and otherwise referring
himselfe to his foregoing deposition and the Charterpartie made in
this businesse and yeelding a reason of his knowledge as
aforesaid hee cannot further depose.

To the eighth hee saith that when the said shipp was dispatched
and dischardged at virginia, shee departed and set saile for London
and here safely arrived, and after such arrival here the master
and company did here deliver out to the said mr Andrewes his
use all such goodes and merchandizes as were taken in at virginia
for his accompt, and here the said shipp was dischardged from
the same the three and twentieth of August last, all which hee
knoweth being present and assisting in the said deliverie of the
said goodes, with which hee came here from virginia, where hee sawe
the lading of them being tobaccoes.

To the nineth hee saith that the said shipp the Edward [?went] the said
voyage and is a shipp of the burthen of 156 tunnes and a halfe
by common repute, and could as hee verily beleeveth conveniently
have carried 151 tonnes and a halfe of wine from ffiall to New
England the said voyage over and besides here tackle furniture
and apparell and provisions, and saith shee went dead
freighted at least twenty six tonnes and a halfe of
mr Andrewes his tonnage from ffiall to New England, which
hee knoweth for the reasons aforesaid, and being present when
shee was at ffiall before her departure measured by experienced mareners
to the end to [?shew] howe much shee was dead freighed.

To the eleaventh hee saith that the said master laid
out severall [?sXXes] for port chardges the said voyage, And
otherwise referring himselfe to the said Charterpartie hee saith
he cannot depose.

To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith hee cometh at the instance of mr Yunge the
master to testifie the truth in this cas, and hath noe relacion to any
the parties interrogated, and saith his wages have bin all paid him a