HCA 13/70 f.671r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.671r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 21th of January 1655. [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the foresaid allegation.

Rp. 2.

William Allen of Billeter Lane in the parish of Saint Catherin
Creechurch London Mariner, aged 24 yeares or thereabouts
sworne and examined.

To the fifth article of the said allegation hee saith that the shipp the Edward
arlate the voyage in question sailed from England to ffiall and there
safely arived in or about the three and twentieth of October 1654 old stile
and did there abide in delivering out and takeing in the goods and merchandizes
of the arlate Samuel Andrewes, and the last of such his goods were not
delivered into the said shipp by his the said Andrewes his factors
untill about the 27th of November next following, and
saith that all the time of her abode at ffiall was imployed and
spent on delivering out and taking in the goods of the said Samuel
Andrewes, and otherwise referring himselfe to the Charter partie hee
cannot depose, saving hee knoweth the premisses because hee was
boatswaines mate of the said shipp and went all the said voyage in her.

To the sixth article hee saith that while the said shipp soe remained
at fiall there were on the behalfe of the said Samuel Andrewes laden
aboard her the number of 125 tonns of wine (and noe more) at
two fiall caskes to the tonne, and that the master and company of
the said shipp pressed the said Mr Andrewes his factor there to lade
more wines on board her and tould him that the said shipp could and
might take in twenty six tonnes and a halfe more than were soe laden
and over and above five tonnes (allowed to the master) and her tackle
furniture and provisions, and soe hee saith the said shipp could
and might well have donne, but the said factor said hee had noe
more wines or other goods to lade, which hee knoweth being present
and hearing and seeing the premisses.

To the seaventh hee saith that after the said shipp was dischardged at
fiall, her master and company sailed her for Boston in New England
where they safely arived with her, and delivered there to the factor
of the said Mr Andrewes all such wines as had bin received aboard
for his accompt at fiall, and having soe donne shee departed and
set saile towards Virginia, and there safely arived on or about the
seaventh of Aprill last, and there staid and remained from that
time till the twelveth of June next following in delivering out and
atking in of lading for the said Mr Andrewes, upon which twelveth
of June and not before the last of her lading was there put aboard
her by the said Mr Andrewes his factor, which hee knoweth for the
reasons aforesaid. And otherwise referring himselfe to the Charter
partie arlate hee cannot depose.
