HCA 13/70 f.66v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.66v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 4th and 5th hee cannot depose saving as aforesaid

To the 6th hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition and
otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the last negatively for his part, and otherwise hee cannot depose.

Repeated bfore doctor Clerke.


[?XX] Simono Bonicell [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 6th of March 1654. [CENTRE HEADING

de hare and Stock against Cable.}

Examined upon the said allegation.


John Roo of dover in the County of kent Mariner
aged 46 yeares or thereabouts, late masters mate
of the shipp the Successe sworne and examined.

To the first article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that hee
hath well knowne the producents Michael de hare and Abraham
Stock for theise 17 yeares last or thereabouts, and soe longe this deponent
hath used to saile from dover, where they the said producents have
for all that time dwelt and doe still dwell. Andd saith that they
the said producents have for all the time arlate bin the true
and lawfull owners and proprietors of the said shipp Successe and
of her tackle and furniture and for such commonly accompted, which hee
knoweth being masters mate of her in this her last voyage
wherein shee was cast away, and having before that gonne another
voyage in her in the same qualitie. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the second hee saith that in the end of July and beginning of
August last past, the aid shipp Successe was and remained at
Newcastle upon Tyne and there was laden with sea coales for
the accompt of Mr de hare and Mr Stock the producents, which hee
knoweth being masters mate of her as aforesaid. And otherwise hee cannot

To the 3 hee deposeth that on or about the 6 of August last the said
shipp departed with her lading of coales from Newcastle bound for dover,
and in her course of proceeding comming on the eighth of the same moneth
about halfe an houre past two in the morning upon a place called the Wells
and about tenn fathome water, and the winde blowing pretty stifly
at South and by East, some of the company of the Successe espied
a vessell comming before the winde upon them, whereupon when the said
vessell came neerer, they cried and called out to the company of the said
vessell to beare up, telling them that otherwise they would sincke them
(speaking of the company of the Successe) but the said vessell (her company
making noe answer) sailed right upon the Successe, which being perceived
by the company of the Successe they put their helme a port and
used all meanes to preserve themselve from the shock, howbeit