HCA 13/70 f.659v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 659 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/02/02 |
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4to. Jannary 1655, Examined uppon the forsaid allegation./
[?T, 2us.
William Smart of Barkeing in the County of Essex
marriner aged 24 yeares or thereabouts, a witnes sworne
and Examined deposeth as followeth, videlicet./
To the first article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that the arlate
Edmond hampson, William Scotcher James Wardell Valentine hudson and
John Mortimer were duringe all the tyme arlate Masters and owners each of
them of one hoy or Vessell, and for such they were generally accompted,
which this deponent knoweth for that dureing all the tyme arlate and long before
this deponent sailed and served in the hoy of Edmond hampson arlate and knoweth the
premisses to bee true. And further cannot depose./
To the second article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that the arlate
hampson Scotcher Wardell hudson and Mortimer being att sea about
theire fishinge occasions did on the 16th day of december last past come
to a place called the Swyn or Middleground, and there found a shipp
or vessell sinkeing (since knowne to bee the hope of Quinborrow) havinge 4
Inches water on her upper decke; there being noe man or other living
creature on board her; And hee saith the said Mariners conceaveing they might
possibbely save the said shipp did use theire uttermost endeavers to bring her
thence to some place of safetye; and did fasten three of theire hoys to her and
Towed her from the Middleground in two days and two nights to Grays in
the River of Thames to the great hazardinge and endangeringe of all their
lives and vessells; And saith that the said hope of Quinborrow was carryed
from the place where shee was found to the place where shee now lyes by the great
labour of the said 5 hoys above the space of 40 miles) as this deponent conceiveth)
And is now att Grayes in the Thames shee and her ladeing in safety, which
had undoubtedly perished but for the great labor and hazardinge of the said
5 hoys as aforesaid. And further cannot depose
To the third article of the said allegation hee saith hee cannot depose./
To the fourth article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that Edmond
hampson arlate did in the preservation of the said hope of Quinborrow
loose one skiffe or smale vessell which this deponent conceaveth to bee worth not
lesse than 4 li sterling. And hee further saith that the said 5 hoys and theire
companys might (in this deponents iudgment) in the tyme they spent in saveinge
and preservinge the sayd shipp the hope, have earned at least 40 li sterling
each vessell by theire fishing imployment. And furthe to this article he
cannot depose./
To the 5th article of the said allegation hee saith the said bessell the Hope
of Quinborrow was laden with hempe oares and clapboard. But of what
value shee and her goods bee hee saith hee knoweth not and further cannot
To the 6th article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that the same
hampson and company have had 11 12 . and 16. men on board
the said vessell ever since her comeinge to Grayes as aforesayd. and have bin
att very great charges in keepeing of her, But to what somme of money this
deponent cannot say and further cannot depose/
To the last hee saith his fogoing deposition was and is true/
the marke of
William [MARKE] Smart [MARKE, RH SIDE]