HCA 13/70 f.657v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.657v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


On the 21th of December 1655. [CENTRE HEADING]

The Lord Protector against the}
Crosse of Jerusalem and the goods et cetera}
Budd Suckly}

Upon the allegation given in and admitted
on the behalfe of John Chard and Company

Peter Martin of Amsterdam
Master of the said shipp the Crosse
of Jerusalem, aged about 44 yeares
a wittnes produced and sworne and being
examined he deposeth as followeth.

To the first and second articles of the sayd allegation he
deposeth and saith that he the deponent was Master of the
arlate shipp the Crosse of Jerusalem at the time the sixe
bales of Linnen arlate and marke[?d] as in the Margent were

6:5: no .13

at Saint Mallow in ffrance laden aboard the said shipp to be
transported thence to Cadiz or Saint Lucar in Spayne, and
that of his certaine knowledge the said six bales of linnen
were laden and stowed in the hould of the said shipp, and with
in the hould in a good condition and not
betweene the decks at the time the said shipp and her lading
were seized on, And he further deposeth that he being Master
of the shipp arlate for the voyage wherin she was taken did
upon the lading of the said six bales of linnen aboard the said
shipp enter the same accordingly into his owne booke, and made
a very faire and plaine figure of sixe in the entring therof
which booke some of the shipps Company who tooke the
Crosse of Jerusalem did take from him the deponent, and
that they or some of them have endeavoured by scraping or razing
the figure of 6 made by him this deponent to alter the same
into the figure of two, As by the said booke (which he doth
at this his time of examination diligently peruse) doth appeare,
And further he cannot depose.

To the third article of the said allegation he deposeth that
there were laden aboard the arlate shipp the Crosse of
Jerusalem at Saint Malloe 2 dry fatts of hatts mentioned in
the said article and marked thus: I+R, and
a dry fatt with hatts and cases marked thus N+B and alsoe
another dry fatt thus marked W+W, and he saith that


all the sayd fatts were full at the time of the seizure
of the said shipp the Crosse of Jerusalem, and that they
were at the time the said shipp was taken, in the
hould of the sayd shipp in a good condition, The
premisses predeposed he well knoweth being Master of the said shipp
when the said fower fatts were laden aboard her and
when she was seized on, but he saith he knoweth not
what quantity each fatt conteyned And further he cannot

To the fourth article he deposeth and saith that presently
after the seizure of the said shipp the Crosse of Jerusalem the
Captaine and Company of the man of warr that seized her forced
all the Company of the arlate shipp the Crosse of Jerusalem
into her hreat Cabbin and there kept them close, and tooke this
deponent aboard the man of warre, where he was kept
aboard in the Bozens roome 3 or 4 nights, In