HCA 13/70 f.656v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 656 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/02/01 |
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The nineteenth of december 1655. [CENTRE HEADING]
On the behalfe of Samuel Wilson of}
London Merchant and company touching
the seizure of the shipp the Sivell Societie}
of London (Thomas [?hamet] master)}
and lading, by the ffrench.}
Henry Watkins of London Merchant
aged 30 yeares or thereabouts sworne
before the right Worshipfull John Godolphin
doctor of lawes, one of the Judges of the
high Court of the Admiraltie saith and deposeth
by vertue of his oath as followeth, videlicet.
That the said shipp the Civill Societie with her lading of West
India hides, Spanish tobaccoe, and other merchandizes, riding in the
port of [?Guaina] in the West Indies in the dominion of the
king of Spaine, on or about the nine and twentieth of June
1651, there arived in the said port five saile of ffrenchmen of warr
under the commannd of [?Marshall] Baron de Patissier, which assailed
and sett upon the said shipp the Sivill Societie and shott severall shotts
both greate and small at her, and forced her said master and company
to surrender her to them, which said master and company
having made what resistance they couldm, and not being longer able
to withstand such a force, yeelded upon quarter for life, and upon
the promise of the said Generall Baron de Patissier not to
take the shipp being English nor any goods aboard her that really
ertained to any English; the said Generall declaring that hee
would only seize and take such goods aboard her as were belonging
to Spaniards; and soe some of his company came aboard the
Sivill Societie; And saith that notwithstanding such promise
of the said Generall to free the said shipp and goods of the
English, hee tooke and kept the said Thomas [?haXXX] the master
and severall of his company prisoners, and carried them prisoners
for ffrance, and turned this deponent the merchant of the said shipp
and the rest of the company ashore upon the maineland in the
West Indies, and seized the said shipp and all the goods of the English
that were aboard and carried them away, utterly depriving and
dispoiling the said English thereof. All which hee knoweth being
marchant of her as aforesaid and on board her and seeing the premisses
soe donne. And saith that the hull tackel and furniture of the said
shipp together with the freight due to the said Mr Wilson and company
of such Spanish goods as were aboard her namely about tenn thousand
cararra hides at eighteene riales per hide Spanish plate for freight
of some part thereof, and the rest at sixteene rialls per hide of the like
plate for fraight; more 500 potacco's of varinas's tobacco at tenn