HCA 13/70 f.605v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 605 |
Side | Verso |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/01/21 |
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and examined, deposeth as followeth./
To the first article of the said allegation he cannot
To the second article of the said allegation he deposeth and
saith that he the deponent and Mr henry Tulse of
London Grocer did in the yeare 1651 (as he remembreth)
buy of the arlate captaine Philipps a quantity
of white sugars, but the certaine quantity of the said
Sugars, and what was payd for them he saith he
knoweth not, having here in London, which is remote from
his place of habitation, noe bookes of Accompt but he
saith that he hath heard that the same sugars were
part of a shipps loading taken prize by the Constant
and that the said prize=shipp was afterwards called
the Suckly And he alsoe deposeth and saith that
he this deponent and Mr ffrancis holt of Portsmouth
did (about June or July 1651 as he remembreth) buy
of ther said Captaine Philipps the party in this cause
a quantity of pitch and Rosin, which was part of a
shipps loading taken prize by the arlate shipp the
Constant (as he beleiveth) And he saith that Mr Robert
Wayte and William Newland the younger of Lymehouse
were imployed in the taking up of the said pitch
and Rosin, and kept and keep the account of the quantity of
the said pitch and rosin, and what was paid for
the same, And further to the said article he
cannot depose./
To the third article he cannot depose.
To the fourth he saith his former deposition is true./
To the Interrogatoryes./ [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first Interrogatory he answereth that he the Rendent
having not with him any Accompts for or concerning those
goods mentioned in his foregoeing deposition, which he bought
of the party ministrant, cannot make any full or plaine
answer unto this Interrogatory, But saith that the accounts of
and concerning the sugars predeposed are remayning by and
with the aforenamed Mr henry Tulse, and the accounts
concerning the pitch and Rosin are remayning by and with the
aforenamed Robert Wayte and William Newland, who
have alsoe the acquittances for the moneys payd for
the said goods And further he cannot answeare.
To the second Interrogatory he answereth that the Mariners interrate
did once in this deponents sight soe mutineed against
the interrate Captaine Philipps that they have dragged
him about the streets in Portsmouth, and he saith
that had not the Souldiers of the Garrison of Portsmouth
rescued him the said Philipps The Rendent beleiveth
he had bin murthered; And he alsoe answereth that
(as he hath heard from credible persons and beleiveth)