HCA 13/70 f.593v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.593v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


the summe of [?67] li 4 s 7 d lawfull money of England
And he further deposeth and saith that after the
buying of the said Tobaccoe (as is predeposed) the same
was putt into a Cart and he this deponent was by
the said Master sent to see the said fower hogsheads of
Tobacco and a certaine parcell of paper (which was left in his
said Masters shopp on purpose to be conveyed with the said
Tobacco) safely delivered on board the arlate hoy or
vessell called the Primrose of Ipswich, And that he
this deponent did in order to his said Masters Command
see the said Tobacco and paper crained out of the Cart
(at Dice Key nigh London bridge) into the said vessell
the Primrose of Ipswich, and that the arlate William
Marsh the Master of the said vessell was then present
and helping in the receiving of the said Tobacco and paper
aboard the said vessell, And he saith that he well knoweth
the said William Marsh before the time of the Lading
of the said Tobacco and paper aboard the said vessell to
bee the Master of the arlate vessell the Primrose of
Ipswich, he the deponent being imployed upon the same
account of seeing goods putt aboard her, as he was when the
said Tobacco and paper were Laden aboard her, And
further he cannot depose

To the rest he is not examined by order of the producent

To the Interrogatoryes./ [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrrogatory he answereth that he cometh to testify
by the procurement of Mr Camplaine the producent, And
that it will be neither profitt nor preiudice to him which
side soever prevaile, And to the rest negatively.

To the 2d Interrogatory he answereth that to his knowledge he never
saw the interrate Mr Brandlinge And further he
cannot answere./

To the 3d and fourth Interrogatoryes he cannot answeare./

To the fifth Interrogatory he answereth that he this Respondent
hath heard the interrate Titus Camplaine the producent say
that he had gott or received some money of the said William
Marsh the Master of the vessell interrate for and in
regard of his goods Laden aboard (as is predeposed) the
said vessell, but he saith that the said Camplaine did not
particularize or mention what summe of money it was he had
soe received, And further he cannot depose.

Repeated before Doctor Godolphin

John Appleton./ [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]