HCA 13/70 f.591r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.591r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 23th of August 1655. [CENTRE HEADING]

The claime of henry Ranckin for the shipp}
the Saint Peter of kirkady in Scotland whereof}
david Stokes was master, taken by the}
Portsmouth frigot. Clements. Budd.}

Examined upon an allegation given
in on the behalfe of the said

Rp. jus.

John du Sel of haver de Grace Mariner, late
Pilote of the said shipp the Saint Peter, aged 28
yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the first second and third articles hee saith and deposeth that hee well knoweth the
producent henry Ranckin and hath soe donne for theise eighteene
monethes last or thereabouts, and hath well knowne the shipp the Saint
Peter arlate for theise seaven weekes or two monethes last or thereabouts
and well knoweth the said henry Ranckin for the said time that this deponent
hath soe knowne the said vessell to have bin and to bee her true and lawfull
owner and proprietor and of her tackle apparrell and furniture and
for such commonly accompted: yeelding for reason of his knowledge that
hee was present in or about the beginning of July last old stile at haver
de Grace at the buying of the said shipp there by the said henry Ranckin
of one [?monsieur] Pape a Scotch merchant dwelling at haver de Grace
and was privie to the treatie and contract for the same,
and this deponent sawe part of the money paid by the said Ranckin
to the said Mr Pape for the same, and the said Ranckin having soe
bought the said vessell, appointed this deponents contest david
Stokes master and this deponent pilote of her and set her out thence
in ballast to goe to Rochell and take in salt, and thence to goe to the
Banck of Newfound land to lade fish and retourne with the same to
Plimouth or dover. And saith the said shipp departed accordingly from
haver de Grace on the 18th of July last new stile, and comming out
to sea, was the next day met with and seized by the Portsmouth
frigot (Captaine [?SXXson] commannder) in the service of this Commonwealth
and brought up to Portsmouth, which hee knoweth being in her when
shee was taken and taken out of her into the frigot, and afterwards
brough to Portsmouth where hee found her riding, and there as
hee beleeveth shee is still remayninge, And otherwise hee cannot depose
saving hee beleeveth the contents of the bill of sale arlate to be true
and soe had and donne as therein is contained, this deponent seeing
the said parties goe to the house or studie of the Notarie therein
mentioned, the time therein alsoe specified, and saw the said money
paid in conformitie thereto.

To the fowrth and fifth hee saith that the said shipp at the time of
the said seizure had in and on board her and being belonging unto her
all the provisions, utensills rigging, tackle and necessaries, mentioned in the said fowerth
article, nowe particularly read over unto him, which hee knoweth for the
reasons aforesaid being one of her companie and taking notice of
the same, and saith the same belonged to the said owner. And saith that
since the taking of the said vessell there is taken and imbeazeld out of
her all the goods, necessaries, tackle, rigging and provisions mentioned
in the said first article alsoe nowe particularly read over unto him
worth fourtie five pounds sterlinge, which hee knoweth
because hee went downe expressely from hence to see in what state
the said vessell and appurtenances were and went aboard her seaven or eight
dayes and tooke expresse notice what was wanting, being all the particulars
mentioned in the said fifth article. And otherwise hee cannot depose.