HCA 13/70 f.581r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 581 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/09/13 |
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The 20th of August 1655.
The Lord Protector against the shipp the hare}
in the ffeild whereof John kein was master}
and the goods in the same taken by the shipps}
of this Commonwealth. Budd.}
Examination on allegation on the
behalfe of the Commonwealth.
the 16th of this instant
Rowe dt.
Captaine Gabriel Saunders Commander of the
Tiger frigot in the immediate service of this
Common-wealth, aged 43 yeares or thereabouts
sworne and examined.
To the first article hee saith and deposeth that
after the seizure of the said shipp the hare by this deponent and Captaine
Algate this deponent in the presence of the said Captaine Algate and
other officers examined John kein the master of the said shipp the
hare and his stiersman and others of her company and that upon such
their examination they acknowledged and confessed to this deponent that
the said shipp hare came in ballast from Middleborowe without
my lading of merchandize saving halfe a dozen or halfe a score
rolls (or thereabouts) of tobacco upon the said masters owne accompt
and went purposely to haver de Grace to seeke a freight, without
knowing before hand (soe farr as this deponent could learne) whether or
upon what voyage shee should be imployed thence, or being diverted
to any particular person or persons at haver de Grace to lade her
and further they confessed that they at haver de Grace met with a freight for Cadiz
whereof they knew not before their comming thither, and that accordingly
they tooke in their lading at haver de Grace which came from Roane in three
hoyes, being the same lading that was aboard at the time of the said
To the second article hee saith and deposeth that according to the said confession
of the said master of the hare and company, shee went from Middleborowe
in the service and by order of her owners, and that at the said time of
her seizure there was not any part of her lading seeing the foresaid
tobaccoes, belonging to her owners. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the third article hee deposeth that there was noe freight to be paid for
the said tobaccoes, as appeared upon the said examinations, And otherwise
saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot depose.
To the fourth fifth and 6th articles hee saith and deposeth that on the 28th of Aprill
last this deponent being at sea off the coast offfrance in the said shipp
the Tyger frigot whereof hee is commander, met with a shipp of
hamborough which came from haver de Grace and had there delivered
deales and was retourning for Norway, and haling her and commanding
her master aboard, her said master came aboard the Tyger frigot, where
hee told this deponent that a shipp of twenty guns lading
and taking in of ffrench goods at haver de Grace, which (as hee said)
would be a good prize for this deponent if hee could meete with her
whereupon this deponent asked him if hee were sure that shee was
lading upon the ffrench mens accompt, to which hee answered, that hee
was sure shee was freighted and the goods put on board by ffrench merchants