HCA 13/70 f.56v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.56v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 19th of January 1654. [CENTRE HEADING]

On the behalfe of John Bence of London}
Merchant touching a losse in the fframcis}
of London, Edward Pelly Master.}

Rp. EA.


Edward Pelly of Poole in the County
of dorsett Mariner late master of the
said shipp the ffrancis, aged 28 yeeres
or thereabouts, sworne before the righ
Worshipfull William Clerke doctor of lawes
one of the Judges of the high Court of the
Admiraltie and examined upon certaine Interrogatories
ministred on the behalfe of the said John Bence
saith and deposeth as followeth, videlicet.

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee well knew and was master
of the shipp the ffrancis arlate, at such time as shee was last
at Allicant and Calp and thence bound for this port
of London, and saith shee departed from Calp (her last port) on or
about the 24th of October last past bound for London, which hee
knoweth being master as aforesaid and then on board her.

To the second and third hee knoweth the producent
John Bence and hath knowne him personally only since
this deponents comming lately to this citie namely about two dayes
space, and saith that this deponent with the said shipp making
a voyage from the Ile of Wight to Newfoundland, and being
at Newfoundland hee had in July last past advice by letters
(that came thither in a shipp from England) from Mr William
Newland of Newport (who sett this deponent out) signifying
that the said producent Mr Bence had bought halfe the said
shipp and halfe the produce of the said voyage, and therewithall
this deponent his order from the said Mr Bence to goe for
Allicant from Newfound land to deliver his cargo of fish
to Mr Mico (Mr Bences factor) and relade fruite for London
and this deponent accordingly went to Allicant with the said shipp
where this deponent dischardging his said lading of fish, the
said Mr Mico (Mr Bences factor) sent him to Calp aforesaid
(a member of Allicant) there to lade fruite for the accompt
of the said Mr Bence, and accordingly this deponent aboard
the said shipp at Calp received her cargo of fruite about
the twentieth of October last for this port for the said Mr
Bence his accompt, namely fourteene hundred and eightie
baskets of Allicant raisins, which were laden by the said Adam
Mico for the said Mr Bence his accompt, to whom they were
consigned to be here delivered.

To the fourth Interrogatorie hee saith that the said shipp having received
the said goods aboard departed from Calp on or about the said 24th
of October last bound for this port (her place of dischardge) and
comming about fifteene leagues westward of Cape Saint Vincent
in her said homewards course, shee was met with assaulted and
taken by a Sally man of warr who thereupon directed
his course for Sally with the said shipp and goods and shortly