HCA 13/70 f.568r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 568 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/11/16 |
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and effectually, and for an able and experienced Master and Seaman
hee the sayde Woodfin during the sayd 12 yeares hath bin and is Commonly reputed the
premisses hee deposeth for that hee this deponent went cheife Mate to the sayd
Woodfin the voyage in question, and is therebt the better experienced in the knowledge
of the sayd Woodfins abilities as a Master and Seaman And further to this
article hee cannot depose./.
To the second and third articles of the sayd allegation hee saith and deposeth
that hee well knoweth that the vessell the Exeter Merchant did about the
first of May 1655 returne safely from Zant and Cadiz with a ladeing
of Currance and Varina Tobaccoe and other Merchandize and arrive neere
Lymehouse where the sayd Woodfin indeavoured to bring her to the lower
chayne there, but at his Comming thither found the arlate Vessell the
ffrancis and Mary fastned thereto with a Cable, and the tyde then running
stronge the sayd Woodfin was not able to male fast to the sayd chayne
untill a lowe water, whereupon for the more convenient staying of his sayd
Shipp the Exeter Merchant till lowe water that hee might then fastnen to the sayd chayne hee caused a hawser to be fastened
to the Cabke of the ffrancis and Mary (which lay fastned to the sayd Chayne)
and desyred Thomas Smith the Master of the ffrancis and Mary that
hee might put an other fast upon the ffrancis and Maryes boltspirtt
the better to fasten his shipp the Exeter Merchant for that tyde untill hee
could come to fasten to the sayd Chayne, but the sayd Smith notwithstanding
that it is the usuall custome for shipps to fasten one upon an other in
the River of Thames for one tyde, (and hath soe bin for these fowerteene
yeares last past of this deponents knowledge) did cause the hawser of the
sayd shipp the Exeter Merchant which was fastned to the Cable of the
ffrancis and Mary within lesse then an howers space after the same was soe fastned to be cutt or loosened by some of his the sayd Smiths
Company, and by that meanes turned the sayd vessell the Exter Marchant
with all her ladeing a drifte to the hazard of the sayd shipp and goods
The premisses hee deposeth of his certaine lnowledge for that hee was
cheife mate of the sayd shipp the Exeter Marchant during her
sayd voyage to and from Zant and Cadiz, and was on board when
shee was fastned to the ffrancis and Mary as aforesayd, and being newly
gone ashoare a little before her being turned a drift, stood on the shoare and
sawe her alsoe soe turned a drift And further to these articles hee
cannot depose./
To the 4th article of the sayd allegation hee saith and deposeth that
hee this deponent being gone on shoare as aforesayd and seeing the
sayd vessell the Exeter Marchant soe turned adrift, take a boate and
went againe on board her, but before this deponent could gett aboard the
sayd Woodfin and Company to prevent as much as they might any damage
which might happen to the sayd Shippp and ladeing by her being turned afrift
did let fall an Anchor, and vere their cable that the Anchor