HCA 13/70 f.566v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.566v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the thirteenth Interrogatory he answereth that the
interrate Perera is (as he beleiveth) a marryed man
and that before he lived at Amsterdam, he lived
(as this Rendent hath heard) in the West Indies
And further to the sayd Interrogatory he cannot answeare./

To the fourteenth Interrogatory he answereth that sometimes
Letters of advise and bills of Lading are made colourable,
but he saith that the Letters of advise, which this Respondent (sic)
received from the said Perera concerning the goods in
controvery were not colourable, And further or otherwise
he cannot answere./

To the fifteenth Interrogatory he answereth that the bills
of Exchange by him predeposed of were at the time he
saw them in the hands of his precontest Antonio
ffernandez Carvaiall, where he beleiveth they still
remaine, And further he cannot answeare./

Augustin Coronel [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


On the eighteenth day of August 1655 [CENTRE HEADING]

Michael de Rutter, Everard Ghislinge}
and Abraham Van Pe[?XX] of fflushing}
concerning the losse or seizure of the}
shipp the Golden Popingay of fflushing.}

Upon Interrogatories ministred
in this behalfe on the part
and behalfe of the said Michael
De Rutter and others.

Jean Dannelson of fflushing in Zealand
Skipper, where he was borne and ever since
hath inhabited, aged about 24 yeares a wittnes
produced and sworne and being examined he deposeth
and answereth to the said Interrogatories as followeth

To the first Interrogatory he answereth and deposeth that he was
Skipper of the interrate shipp the golden Popingay in the
voyage wgerein she was taken and seizd, and that he hath
knowne the said shipp for theise sixteene months last past
that she now belongeth to the Port of fflushing where the
Owners of her namely Michael de Rutter (Vice-Admirall
of holland) Everard Ghisling a Burgomaster there and Abraham
Van P[?eene] a Lord of the said Towne of fflushing doe dwell, who
were alsoe the Owners of the Lading that was in her at the
time she was seized, and he saith that she was built at
Eadam, but by the aforenamed Owners (who are subiects to the
Lords the States of the United Provinces) bought at fflushing
And further he cannot answeare to the said Interrogatorye saving
that itt may not be taken for a untruth or contradiction that
he hath sayd that Michael de Rutter One of the Owners
is Viceadmirall of holland and an Inhabitant of fflushing,
he desireth to explaine that the same is a truth and that
although the said De Rutter is for the most part (when not
at Sea) at Amsterdam being busied there in his place