HCA 13/70 f.556r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 556 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/01/04 |
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The 19th of december 1655/ [CENTRE HEADING]
Robinson against the shipp the Wildeman and Jeremie}
and Jasper Vanculen coming in for their interest et cetera}
Clements Suckley}
Examined upon an allegation given in on the behalfe of
the sayd Jeremie and Jasper Vanculen./
Rp. EA
Jacobus Isbrans of the Texell in holland Mariner aged
24 yeares or thereabouts a wittnes sworne and examined
saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet./
To the first article of the sayd allegation hee saith That the arlate shipp the
Wildeman in her course from haver de Grace for this Port of London
comming off dover tooke in an able Pylott there to conduct her to this
Port of London who conducted her up the River of Thames and brought her
to Anchor about tenn of the Clock at night of the fowerth day of November
last past or thereabouts neere Greenwich in a convenient place there where shipps doe
usually ride which hee knoweth being stiersman of the sayd shipp and then on board
her And further hee saith not./
To the second hee saith That at the tyme and place when and where the sayd shipp was soe brought to an
Anchor there was noe boye floating to give notice of any thing lying there
abouts nor any wherrie lyeing there or any person to give notice or that
did call to the master and company of the sayd shipp to forbeare letting fall
their Anchor there or to take it up againe after the same was lett fall which
hee knoweth for that hee was upon the deck of the sayd shipp and looked about and must
of necessitie have taken notice if any such boye or boates had bin there
lyeing or any such warning had bin given And further deposeth not
To the third hee saith that at the tyme of such letting fall of the sayd Anchor
this deponent did not see any ffishermen lying or being neere thereabouts
not did the sayd shipp runne upon any wherrye lying in any roade nor
put any person in danger by such comming to Anchor which hee knoweth
for the reasons aforesayd and otherwise hee cannot depose./
To the 4th hee saith that the next day after the letting fall the sayd Anchor
the Master and Company of the Wildeman comming to heave the same up
a roape of a weeles or wilchins that seemed to have bin layed to
catch fish came from under water with the sayd Anchor without any
boy fastned thereto, And hee saith that the sayd Roape being soe come
up there came a fisherman (which hee beleeveth to be the party agent
in this suite) and cut the sayd roape close to the sayd anchor, and tooke
the sayd weeles or willchins from the sayd Anchor and heaved the
same into his boate, and such his comming was the first tyme that this
deponent sawe any person appeare neare the place where the sayd Anchor
was lett fall And saith that in case any damage happened to the