HCA 13/70 f.537r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.537r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Mannor and hundred of ffeversham have of this deponents knowledge for
these fiftie yeares last past upwards bin commonly accompted and
reputed, and as he hath heard by publique fame and report in ffaversham and
parts adiacent they have bin soe reputed tyme out of mynde and memory
of men now living And saith hee knoweth that William Luson allegate and
the rest of the parties to this suite producents in this cause are Tennants of the Mannor and hundred of
ffeversham and soe have bin for divers yeares last past some for tenn yeares
last past some for twenty and some for longer tyme, and hee this deponent knoweth
that they have as tennants done suite and service and served of the Jurie in
the Court held yearely twice a yeare at ffeversham by the Lord of the
Mannor and hundred of ffeversham as tennants thereof and further
to this allegation hee cannot depose./

The sayd John Culliford to this allegation arlate
dated the 10th day of October 1655/ [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first article of the sayd allegation hee saith that for these
twenty yeares last hee knoweth that the ffishermen Tennants of
the Mannor and hundred of ffeversham have soe often as the grounds
arlate wanted storeing with oysters, made a collection rate or cessement
amongst them selves for moneys to store the sayd grounds and have
some yeares expended in oysters bought out of Essex and other places
to store the sayd grounds somtymes thirty pounds a yeare and somtymes
more and somtymes lesse , and this hee better knoweth for that the
sayd Tennants standing neede of money to buy oysters to store the sayd
grounds this deponent borrowed and procured them threescore pounds for that use and
was bound for the repayment thereof, and for that hee this deponent after
such store oysters, have bin bought hath divers tymes measured them
(being Water bayly) and seene them layd and helped to laye them in the
grounds in question And hee this deponent well knoweth that neither
the ffishermen of Stroude Gillingham Milton or any other but the
tennants of the mannor and hundred of ffaversham did at any tyme
since this deponent was a tennant (which is about fifty yeares) ever
store the sayd grounds with oysters or contribute and pay any thing
towards soe doeing, but the sayd Tennants of the mannor and hundered
of ffeversham have allwaies stored the same and had the benefitt
of fishing for and takeing oysters and other fish there exclusive from all other ffishermen
whatsoever and have quietly enioyed the sayd priviledge and benefitt
(saving such trespasses as have bin secretly committed as aforesaid)
And soe have used to store and enioy the same ( as this deponent by common
fame and report in and about ffeversham hath heard ) from tyme to tyme beyond
the memory of all men now living And further to this article hee
cannot depose