HCA 13/70 f.535v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.535v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The sayd Godfrey Slade upon the sayd arlate allegation
given in the 10th of October 1655/

To the first article of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee this deponent
haveing bin a Tennant of the Mannor and hundred of ffeversham for
about twenty yeares last past saith that hee this deponent about nyne
yeares since did in the behalfe of him selfe and the rest of the tennants of the
sayd hundred and mannor disburse in one year thirty pounds to buy oysters
in Essex and other places to store the grounds in question and sawe the sayd
grounds stored with the sayd oysters and well knoweth that the sayd
teanants have for these twenty yeares last soe oft as occasion
required stored the sayd grounds with oysters and therein expended
very considerable summes of money yearely in such yeares as the
same stood neede of storing, and hath heard and beleeveth the sayd
tennants have soe stored the sayd grounds tyme out of mynde
And saith hee never heard or knew that any the Inhabitants of Strowde,
Gillingham Milton or any but the tennants of the hundred and Mannor of ffeversham
did at any tyme lay out any money in oysters to store or did at
any tyme store the sayd grounds with oysters,
And further hee cannot to this article depose saving his foregoing

To the 2 article hee saith hee knoweth and hath observed for about these twenty
yeares last past that the tennants ffishermen of the hundred and Lordship
of ffeversham doe by them selves or others whome they hire to that purpose
yearely watch the grounds in question from about Lamas till about
a fortnight or three weekes after Michaelmas and doe usually
expend thereabout, thirty shillings a weeke yearely and sometymes more during that tyme
they watch this hee knoweth for that hee is a tennant and payeth his part thereof
and also for that hee and one John Askew of ffeversham
did watch the sayd grounds one yeare and had thirty shillings a weeke
allowed them betwixt them for soe doing the sayd tennants of ffeversham mannor and hundred And well knoweth that noe
Inhabitants of Stroude Milton Gillingham or any save the sayd Tennants
of ffeversham mannor and hundred did at any tyme since this deponent was
a tennant which is about 20 yeares last (nor at any tyme before that ever
hee knew or heard of) watch the sayd grounds or pay for watching of them
or had any right to fish in them, or did fish in them ((save secretly
and in the night tyme and as by stealth And further hee cannot to this article

To the last hee saith his foregoing deposition is true/

To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first interrogatory hee saith hee was required by Captaine Price
one of the tennants of the Mannor and hundred of ffeversham
in behalf of the producents to appear and testifie his knowledge in this
cause and saith he beareth his parts of charges in this suite as being him
selfe a tennant and is to have the rest borne by other the tennants and saith hee is