HCA 13/70 f.529v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 529 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/01/26 |
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fish in the sayd grounds in question And further to this allegation hee
cannot depose/
The sayd William Iles upon the allegation arlate given
in the 10th day of October 1655./ [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first article hee saith that hee well knoweth the parties in this suite
and other the Tennants of the Mannor and hundred of ffeversham during these
thirty yeares last past have soe often as occasion soe required stored the
grounds in question mentioned in this article with oysters
which they have brought with their money and brought from Essex
and other places to that purposes, and have ususally expended at such tymes
as the same wanted storeing somtymes thirty pounds a yeare and somtymes
more and somtymes lesse thereabout this hee knoweth for that hee is a tennant and ffisherman
of the sayd mannor and hundred of ffeversham and hath divers tymes payd his
share of money for the storeing the sayd grounds And saith hee never
knew or heard that the ffishermen of Strowde Gillingham Milton or
any save the Tennants of the Lordshipp and hundred of ffeversham did at
any tymes pay any money for storeing or store the sayd grounds in
question with oysters And further saving his foregoeing deposition to
the allegation made in the acts of Court to which hee referreth hee cannot
depose, saving hee saith there is a publique fame and report in feeversham and
places adiacent that the sayd grounds in question doe belonge to and are part of
the Mannor and hundred of ffeversham and that none but the tennants ffishermen
of the sayd Mannor and hundred have any right and tytle to fish in tyhe grounds
in question./
To the second article hee saith that hee this deponent well knoweth that for these
12 or foureteene yeares last past the tennants of the Mannor and hundred of
ffeversham have used to watch the grounds in question that none but they
of the sayd Mannor and hundred might fish for oysters there and have and doe
usually watch them from about Lamas till about three weekes after
Michaelmas as and somtymes longer yearely and doe expend and pay thereabouts
thirty or forty shillings a weeke for the tyme they are soe watched this hee knoweth being a tennant of
the sayd mannor and hundred and having often paid his share thereof, and saith hee never
knew or heard that any Inhabitants of Stroude Milton Gillingham or
other places adiacent or any save the tennants ffishermen of the sayd
Mannor and hundred of ffeversham were at any tyme charged with the
watching or paid for the watching or did watch the sayd grounds or
ever had any right to fish there quietly And further to this article hee cannot
To the last hee saith his foregoeing depositions are true/
To the Interrogatories./ [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first hee saith hee cometh to testifie in this cause at the
request of the producents. voluntarily without any compulsorie from