HCA 13/70 f.515r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 515 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/09/02 |
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To the 3 4th and 5th articles of the sayd libell hee saith that although it be usuall
as aforesayd for three shipps and noe more to lye there on brest and that there were on the sayd
Tuesday the 18th of this instant June at Tower wharfe aforesayd three shipps
lying moored a brest videlicet the sayd shipp the Sara and an other shipp that laye next
her (whose name this deponent knoweth not) and the sayd shipp the William who lay
moored on the outside of the sayd other shipp yet hee saith that after the sayd
Tuesday the Master of the Waterhound arlate
(whose name as hee hath heard is Mr Constant) and his Company came about
midd night next after the sayd day and moored their sayd shipp the Water hound
on the Outside of the sayd shipp the William soe that then there laye fower
shipps on brest this hee knoweth being then pilott of and aboard the shipp
Sarah and (the night being a cleere night) seeing the Waterhound come
and moore there on the outside of the William seeing the Water hound moore
on the outside of them did according as they ought put out their ffenders
to preserve their shipp William soe much as they could from damage (shee
being (of this deponents knowledge but a smale shipp of about fortietonne and
then emptye and the Waterhound being a shipp of threescore tonns
burthen at the least, and then laden with Corne as to this deponent appeared
hee having since seene her deliver her ladeing, And saith when the Waterhound
soe came on the outside of the William was as hee beleeveth a floate
it being neere about high water, And hee saith that the Master and Company of
the Waterhound being come on the outside of the William did in the night tyme
[?lust] their shipp the Waterhound towards the William without giving any notice
thereof to the Master and Company of the William, but the night being Cleere and
the company of the William and perceiving that the Company of the Waterhound were
about to [?last] their sayd shipp towards the William, one William
Smith the then pylott of the William called out to the Company of the Waterhound
and willed them to [?lust] their vessell the Waterhound off from the William
least the same should damage the William, whereupon the Master
of the Waterhound answered and sayd hee would [?lust] his sayd shipp [?XXXed]
towards the William for hee had rather they should suffer then hee and
his vessell suffer, and withall did bidd the Company of the William hawle out
if they [?would] for hee was resolved to lye there and to lust his sayd shipp in
towards the William or hee the Master of the Waterhound spake then words to
the very like effect And hee saith by reason of the Company of the Waterhounds
soe lusting of their sayd vessell inwards upon the William the William was
forced upon the vessell that lay next her of the inside soe that the tyde falling shee hunge cleere
up from ground about three foote being soe borne up by the Waterhound
her forceing her upon the vessell that lay next her on the inside by which
meanes the said shipp William (being empty) was very much brused and
three of her mayne tymbers broken, and divers of her mayne plankes broken and
divers of her seames and butt heads soe strayned that they opened soe wide that
one might put their hand betweene, this hee deposeth being an eye wittnesse
and eare witnesse on board the Sarah aforesayd and seeing the damage soe
done, the next morning after it was soe done and seeing the William hange in manner
predeposed And further to these articles hee cannot depose/