HCA 13/70 f.507r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.507r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Cowse did in answer of the sayd letter write unto this deponent
a letter bearing date the 8th of January 1654 old style wherein hee did
advise this deponent that hee should be very glad to heare newes per the next
that the sayd shipp John and Elizabeth was gone from Saint Lucar to Palma
for that hee the sayd Cowse had there lyeing readie a parcell of
very good wines to be brought thence in her to London which letter came
to this deponents hands before the departure of the sayd vessell the John
and Elizabeth from Saint Lucar towards England and saith that hee this deponent
did show and reade the sayd letter to the sayd Keene and told the sayd Keene
that if hee did not proceede with his sayd vessell to Palma it would
be much to the preiudice of the sayd Cowes And further to this article
hee cannot depose./

To the 9th hee saith hee referreth hinm
selfe to the Registry of this Court And further cannot depose/

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true/

To the Interrogatories/ [CENTRE HEADING]

To the 1 Interrogatorie hee cometh to be a witnes in this cause being soe
required to doe by the producent Cowes and saith hee hath noe interesdt in this
cause and favoureth both parties litigant alike and that it will be neither
preiudice nor advantage to this deponent whichsoever of the parties prevaile in
this suite and is nothing of kinne to the producent that hee knoweth of nor
expecteh to receave any nenefit for his testimony in this cause. And
further hee cannot answere otherwise than negatively./

To the 2 hee saith hee knoweth the John and Elizabeth Interrogate and was now
of her company the voyage Interrogated, and to the rest of the Interrogatorie hee answereth

To the 3d hee cannot answere knowing nothing thereof of his owne certayne
knowledge but saith, hee sawe that at her comming into Saint Lucar
the sayd shipp John and Elizabeth had spent her masts and had only the sayd
Keene and his mate and a boy on board, the rest of her company having (as this
deponent hath heaard forsaken her at sea and leapt aboard an other shipp that fell
fowle of her./

To the 4th hee saith that by reason he sayd shipp had spent her
Masts, and that most of her company had forsaken her as
aforesayd hee beleeveth shee could not proceede from Saint Lucar to
the Canaries untill shee was repaired and supplyed with more men,
And as touching the putting the goods Interrogate on
shoare hee beleeveth there was noe necessitie for the same for that hee
hath heard both the sayd Keene and mate Landson who came in the sauyd shipp
to Saint Lucar saye that the sayd vessell at her comming to Saint Lucar was stanch
and tight and had receaved very little or noe damage by water as to her ladeing, and saith
the goods Interrogated were put into the hands of honest men as hee beleeveth And
further hee cannot answere/