HCA 13/70 f.506r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.506r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 2 Interrogatorie hee saith for that hee was not on board the Pilgrim
when the damage in controversie happened as alsoe for that hee hath not
heard by what meanes or whose meanes the Exeter Marchant came to fall fowle
of the Pilgrim soe as to doe her the damage controverted, hee cannot
answere to this Interrogatorie saving his foregoeing deposition

To the 3 Interrogatorie hee saith that a little before the damage controverted
is sayd to have happened, (at which tyme this deponent was on board the Pi;grim)
shee had then an Anchor of her owne out to the Northward, and
to the best of this deponents now remembrance to the Southward And further to
this Interrogatorie (for that hee was gone on shoare from aboard the Pilgrim before
the damage controverted happened) hee cannot depose./

To the 4th Interrogatorie hee saith the rayles of the head of the Pilgrim were broken
by stresse of weather in the bay of Biscay as the sayd shipp was outward bound,
but the knee of her head was whole when this deponent went
as aforesayd from on board her a little before the damage in contoversie happened, and
saith hee this deponent being Carpenter of her the Pilgrim knoweth
shee was leakie at sea before the Casualty in question happened, and
hee knoweth that in her voyage homeward from Pharoe her hoodings
were defective, but not soe as that one might see the sea come
in and hee saith that hee this deponent did (as well as for the present they
could bee mended) mende her sayd hoodings at Saint Lucar, but saith
shee continued somwhat leakie notwithstanding to the tyme of her coming
home into the River of Thames, And hee saith hee knoweth shee was
new sheathed and navell hooded by the Interrogated Mr Graves and saith hee this deponent
did at sea (as the Pilgrim was homeward bound) tell the Master of her
videlicet James Watkins that shee stood neede to bee navell hooded when
shee came home And further to this Interrogatorie hee cannot depose/

To the 5th hee saith hee knoweth that while the shipp Pilgrim laye in
harbour at Pharoe where shee laded her oyles and in her voyage thence homeward
there was about one pipe and a hogshead of oyle or
thereabouts (as hee beleeveth) pumped out
which was saved and put into casks on board, And hee alsoe saith that
as much as could possibly bee saved of the oyles pumped up after the
disaster aforesayd happened was alsoe saved and put into empty casks
which was on shipp board And further to this Interrogatorie hee cannot depose

To the last hee cannot answere not seeing the Casks Interogate surveyed, nor being
on board the Pilgrim when the damage controverted happened, nor having
heard the Interrogated Mr Graves say any thing to the effect Interrogated.

Repeated before doctor Godolphin/

Thomas ffox [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]