HCA 13/70 f.502r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.502r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


waterman belonging to the River of Thames for these 27 yeares last past
and well knoweth the Custome by him predeposed of and further saving
his foregoeing deposition hee cannot answere./

To the 4th hee saith the ffrancis and mary did lye at the place Interrate the tyme
Interrate outward bound and saith hee beleeveth shee had provisions on board
but was not the tyme Interrate in the aacte of takeing in any goods, and hee this
deponent well remembreth shee tooke in noe goods the afternoone when the
damage predeposed was done nor the next day after, and further saving
foregoeing deposition hee cannot answere./

To the 5th hee saith hee well knoweth as is predeposed that the custome is that a shipp
comming laden into the River of Thames may fasten for one tyde to any
shipp lying there either at a chayne or otherwise moored, although shee
bee putwards bound and have goods on board and bee to receive more aboard,
and that without the good likeing and leave of the master and Company of the shipp to whome
shee soe fastens And this hee hath knowne to be the Custome of the sayd
River these twenty yeares, and hath heard it hath bin the Custome for
laden shipps soe to doe tyme out of mynde and memory of men now
liveing, And saith hee hath seene laden shipps doe soe often tymes
within those 20 yeares, And in particuler hee well remembreth that a
shipp called the Planter returning laden from Virginia
did come to the same lower chayne of lymehouse about a fortnight since and there being
then a shipp lying by the sayd chayne called the William
and John )one Captaine holman Commander of her) and shee outward bound
to Virginia and takeing in ladeing, yet notwithstanding that the sau=yd shipp
Planter fastned to the sayd shipp the William and John
and ridd by her for one tyde, this hee saith hee sawe being in his boate
and seeing her presently after her being soe fastned and seeing her ride
by a fast to teh sayd shipp the next tyde after shee fastned thereto, and
saith hee heard the sayd Captaine holman him selfe saye that the
sayd Planters Company fastned their sayd shipp to his against his
mynde and good likeing, but that hee suffered her to
continue soe gastned for that hee knew that by the Custome of the River
of Thames a laden shipp might soe fasten, or hee spake words
to the like effect, in the presence and hearing of this deponent and other
Masters of shipps upon the shoare at Lymehouse ovr against the
sayd chayne, And hee saith hee knoweth it to be a common custome
for laden shipps soe to doe, but the particuler names of other
shipps hee hath seene doe the same, or where they did soem or when,
hee at present cannot call to mynde And further to this Interrogatorie
hee cannot answere/

To the 6th hee saith saving his foregoeing deposition to the allegation
hee cannot more particulerly answere to this Interrogatorie/

To the 7th hee saith saving his deposition to the 2: 3 and 4th articles of the sayd
allegation to which hee referreth hee cannot more particulerly answere to this Interrogatorie/