HCA 13/70 f.480v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.480v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


On the same day. [CENTRE HEADING]


Christopher Grynne of South Shields in the County
of Durham Mariner, where he hath lived for
the greatest part of his life, aged about 27 yeares
a wittnes, produced and sworne and being examined
he deposeth as followeth.

To the first and second articles of the said allegation
he deposeth and saith That about January or ffebruary
last past (the time more certainly he cannot remember)
the articulate shipp the Desire was bound in for Tinmouth
haven, and that she being come about halfe way within
the barr thereof she could not goe further by reason of
crosse and contrary winds, and that therupon the Master and
Company of her did for her preservation cast anchor
there to ride by her anchors and cables untill the wind
showld favour her better comming into the said haven, And
he deposeth and saith that of his knowledge who hath bin
well acquainted with the said haven of Tinmouth for 8
or 9 yeares last past, the place where the arlate ship
the Desire lay at Anchor, is a fitting and convenient
and an usuall place for shipps to cast anchor
and there to ride when by crosse winds they are letted
from getting in further, and that of necessity they
must anchor, and ride there, and that the sayd shipp
did there lye at Anchor and ride soe that many
shipps did of this deponents knowledge sayle out of the
sayd haven some ahead and some asterne of her without
comming neere her or hazarding of her, The premisses
he deposeth because he was aboard the arlate shipp the
Desire all the tyme she lay at Anchor and saw many
shipps sayle soe by her at distance enough, before such
time as the damage following happened unto her by
the shipp the Sisters. And further he cannot depose.

To the third article of the said allegation hee deposeth and
saith that the said shipp the Desire lying as is predeposed in a
safe and convenient place at anchor the arlate shipp the
Sisters came sayling out of the sayd haven with soe fresh
a gale of wind that she might have sayled either ahead or
a sterne of the sayd shipp the Desire, his this deponents
precontest Giles Nicholls Masters Mate perceiving the
same did call unto the Company of the shipp the
Sisters asking them where they would be, and that one of
the said shipp the Sisters Company did make answeare [?that]
they would aboard them meaning the said shipp the desire
and he saith that at the time the said Nicholls called out
unto them of the Sisters to know where they would be, they
of the Sisters might very easily have passed by the
Desire, if they would, but that they did willfully and