HCA 13/70 f.47r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.47r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The fifth day of January 1654 stile Anglia/

A busines of examination of wittnesses upon Interrogatories}
touching a hoy called the Richard of Ipswich}
On the behalfe of his highnesse the Lord Protector}

Examined upon certaine Interrogatories given in on the
behalfe of the Lord Protector/

Rowe dt.


The foresayd Robert ffoard

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee last sawe the hoye the Richard in
the moneth of March last and about the 24th of the same moneth and saith hee hath knowne
her for theise 12 or 14 yeares last past during all which tyme hee this deponent
was owner of three eighth parts of her And saith she was last sett to sea
in March last and saith shee had at her setting forth three Anchors, and a
Mayne Mast a bolt spritt Crosse yarde and a topsayle yarde and a mayne sayle
a Crosse sayle a top sayle and two foresayles with a mayne staye, shrowds
and other rigging fitt for such a vessell and was sett out last from the port of Ipswich
And further to this Interrogatorie hee cannot depose saving his foregoeing deposition/

To the second Interrogatorie hee saith hee hath seene the Anchors and rigging
controverted since they were found in a storehouse in Barkeing in Essex and
well knoweth that they are the same which belonged to the sayd hoye the Richard of
Ipswich for that hee knoweth there was noe shipp cast away neere that place in
a longe tyme before the sayd hoy Richard was there cast away as
alsoe for that the sayd Anchors were of the same weight (videlicet the bigest of
about 1 hundred pound weight and the second about three quarters of a hundred
and the third about half a hundred weight) which the Anchors of the Richard
were of at the sayd Hoye the Richard being cast away and for that they
were taken up at the same place where the sayd Hoy the Richard was cast away And
further hee cannot depose/

To the 3 hee saith hee hath satisfied the contents thereof before saving hee saith
the sayd Anchors were worth fowerteene shillings a hundred weight at
the least and further hee cannot depose/

Repeated before doctor Clarke

Robert FR French [MARKE, RH SIDE]


The same date/ [CENTRE HEADING]

Rowe dt.

The sayd Joseph ffoard upon Interrogatories on the behalfe
of the Lord protector/

To the first hee saith hee was Master of and on board the hoy the
Richard of Ipswich when shee was cast away at a place called the Shoe and
there hee last sawe her and hath knowne her from her first building which was
about 14 yeares since, And saith shee was last sett to sea on or about the
18th day of March last from Ipswich and had then belonging to her three Anchors and one
mast a mayne sayle a topp sayle a crosse sayle and her stay sayles and other
rigging fitting for such a vessell and was then bound for the port of London
And further hee cannot depose saving his foregoeing deposition/

To the 2 Interrogatorie hee saith hee sawe the Anchors and rigging in Controversie
since they were found in two storehouses in Barkeing in Essex And hee is sure
they were the same which formerly belonged to the hoye the Richard for that
hee was present at the takeing of most of them up and knoweth they were
taken up at the place where the sayd Hoy Richard was suncke And further
hee cannot answere/