HCA 13/70 f.462v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.462v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the fifth Interrogatory he answereth negatively.

To the sixth Interrogatory he cannot answeare Saving that
the said Philipps hath written divers Letters to
Billiard interrate about the time the shippw as preparing
for her voyage, which letters came sealed up to this
Rendent, and soe they were sent to the sayd
Billiard, and that the said Philipps did alsoe
about the same time send divers Letters unto this
Rendent thereby desiring him this Rendent to write unto
the said Billiard to dispatch the shipp, and alsoe to
satisffye whatsoever moneys the sayd Billiard should
drawe upon him this Rendent as Agent for the said
Phillips for the said shipps account.

To the seaventh Interrogatory he answereth that he never
saw the bill of sale concerning the said shipp, but at this
present he hath with him the Release made by Zephaniah Parker
and Company of the said shipp unto the producent who
bought the said shipp of them, And that the passe
and certificate by him predeposed of were true and
reall of this Rendents certaine knowledge who obtayned
them not for this but a former voyage to the same Islands and that
Major generall Desborough was one that subscribed
unto the said passe, but he remembreth not the date
therof, And further he cannot answeare.

Repeated before doctor Godolphin.

Thom fessell [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


6th of September 1655. [CENTRE HEADING]

Touching the shipp called the ffortune}
of Amsterdam (whereof Peter Sibrands}
is Master) and her lading}

Upon Interrogatoryes ministred
in this behalfe by or on the
part of John Claeson Longdike
and Company.


Jacob Peterson Native and Resident of the
Citty of Euchusen in North=holland under
the Dominion of the States of the United
Provinces aged about twenty and fower yeares
a wittnes received and sworne and examined
upon the said Interrogatoryes answereth thereunto
as followeth

To the first Interrogatory he answereth and deposeth that hee
very well knoweth the interrate shipp the ffortune, he
going out in her (in this voyage wherein she was taken)
a common man and being afterwads and at the time of
his seizure Bozen of her, That she belonged at the
time she went upon this voyage unto the Port of Amster=
=dam, where John Claeson Longdike the sole owner
of her (for to the contrary therod he never heard) [?dwellt]