HCA 13/70 f.445v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.445v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


baggs delivered out of the said Warehouse to others who had bought
the same, so farr as this Deponent beleeveth knoweth or observeth
and that there was not any partiality used by the said Commissioners
or their Officers in the distribution of the Ginger sold out of the said
Warehouse either in weight or quality, so farr as this this Deponent
knoweth or beleeveth, this Deponent being present at the weighing of same set of
the said Ginger sett aside for the said Swinnocke And further cannot

To the Crosse Interrogatories [CENTER HEADING]

To the first he saith, he cometh to be a Witness in this Cause at
the instance of Mr Turpin one of the said Commissioners and saith
he hath no share or interest in the Ginger controversed and was and
is Surveior to the said Commissioner and sewall times saw the said ginger at
Raphes Kay London but remembereth not how many times hee saw the same

To the second he saith,That the ginger in the said warehouse at
Raphes Kay consisted in about three hundred bags, whereof as
hee hath heard and beleeveth the said Swinnock was to have the
first lott, but was not present at any such lottery as is interrate
And otherwise saving his foregoing deposition cannot answer, saving the
the said ginger were delivered as followeth, videlicit some bags of ginger
before the said 100 baggs were waighed off for Mr Sinnnocke
and some bags besides his and still remaining and not taken
away, and saith hee this rrndent was not present at the delivery of
the said baggs.

To the third hee saith,That hee referreth himselfe in his foregoing
Deposition, and saith hee speake with the said Swinnock to fetch away the said
Ginger both upon the Exchange and in Thames Street London, but
the particular day, or words or answer hee cannot remember, otherwise
than that the said Sinnock upon this rendents speaking to him to the
effect predeposed, refused to take away the said ginger and said hee
would make the Commissioners prove themselves Commissioners before hee would ?threreme? the said ginger or words to that
or the like effect. And further saving his foregoing deposition hee
cannot depose.

To the 4th hee referreth himselfe to his foregoing Deposition saying that hee
this rendent gave direction to Mr Clerke the said Warehouse Keeper to lay aside
the said 100 baggs for Mr Sinnock, and saith that they
which bought the others did not lay aside any part of the 100
baggs in controversie, and saith the ginger taken away before the
said 100 baggs were weighed, were taken indifferently out of 300
baggs or thereabouts is 100 baggs at one time as hee remembereth, and 30
baggs at another time, and then Mr Swinnocks 100 baggs were
weighed, and 70 baggs or thereabouts did and still doe remain
Repeated in Court./.