HCA 13/70 f.43r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.43r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Mr William [?Pawlin] (Consull for the English nation there and hee
to whom they were consigned and deliver) with the condition of themselves
and shipps, which was soe farr from being grannted them, that they were
not suffered soe much as to write to him or any other, nor to have any
pen; ink and paper untill such time as their (sic) had bin a [?clancular]
proceeding and a pretended condemnation of the said shipps and goods,
and then this deponent and the said Belin were turned ashore
unprovided of clothes and necessaries, this deponent being in his
wastcote and drawers, and desiring to have some of his clothes but
could not obtaine them. And comming ashore and understanding of the
proceeding against their shipps and goods and the adjudication of them
this deponent went to the office and intreated to have a coppie of
the sentence or adjudication, which hee saith was expressely denied
him, and the said shipps and goods were all sold by the authoritie
and to the use of the kinge of Spaine and soe the said owners were
most injuriously dispoiled and deprived thereof to their excessive
losse and dammage. And saith the said frigats and gallies were
belonging to and were in the imployment of the kinge of Spaine. And
the dammage soe sustained by the said Courteene and
company owners of the Consent and of her lading over and above the
principall summe of eight thousand three hundred pounds
aforesaid, cannot in his estimation be lesse then five thousand pounds
sterling, nor can the losse of the said Ballcharch and company for
the George and goods be lesse than five thousand pounds in his
estimation besides their foresaid principall of eight thousand
three hundred and odd pounds. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

Repeated before doctor Clarke.



The 30th of december 1654 [CENTRE HEADING]

A businesse of examination of witnesses}
touching the losse of the shipp the Wheele}
of ffortune of Rotterdam, Laurance Johnson}
master. Suckley.}

Examined on an allegation on the behalfe of davison and others.


Laurance Johnson of Rotterdam mariner
master of the said shipp aged 25 yeares or
thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the first article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that hee
well knoweth the producent William davison of Amsterdam merchant
and that the said William for severall monethes of this present yeare
1654 hath bin and at this present is the true and lawfull owner and
proprietor of the said shipp the Wheele of ffortune (whereof this
deponent was late Master) being of the burthen of 24 lasts or thereabouts
and of her tackle and furniture, and saith that in the moneth of October
last past the said davison sent out the said shipp from Amsterdam for
Gottenburgh to lade pitch and tarr for this port of London, the premisses
hee deposeth and knoweth for that hee this deponent was master of the
said shipp and was constituted master by the said davison, and soe
sett out by him for Gottenburgh as aforesaid. And
otherwise hee cannot depose.