HCA 13/70 f.42r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 42 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/12/02 |
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The 22th of december 1654. [CENTRE HEADING]
Jacob Johnson of Amsterdam Mariner, aged 31 yeares or
thereabouts sworne and examined, saith as followeth.
That hee was Stiersman of the said shippp the Leopard from Saint Christofers where
hee came first aboard her on the 28th of September last newe stile, being the same
day or neere about the day that her former skipper Cornelius ffredericksson was
there buried, and this deponent was then and there shipped to goe Stiersman of her
to Amsterdam by his precontest Claus Tuneson her present master in the service
of the duke of Courland whose shipp shee is. And saith shee came from
Guiney to Martinica (as hee was informed) and that her company that came in her
from Guiney all either died or left her, and saith hee sawe her
first comming to Saint Christofers where shee staid about a moneth and did not
in all that time either buy or sell or any wayses trade there, but only staid
to bury the said skipper, take in water and to get company, and then having
the company of the [?Paul] a holland shipp, and of the Yonge Tobias another
hollander, the said shipp the Leopard came from Saint Christofers on or about
the 16th of October last bound for Amsterdam. And that on or about the
28th of October the said shipps were separated by storme, and soe by stormie
and darke weather the said shipp the Leopard came to misse her right course
and at length by error came into Saint Georges Channell, and her master and
company knewe not where they were till they came unto Lundae Iland, and
then finding and considering with themselves that their sailes and rigging
were rent and torne with the stormes they had met withall, and that
their provisions of victuall were spent, soe that they were not able to proceede
without supplie, they resolved to goe to Bristoll and supplie and revictuall
themselves and then to proceede for Amsterdam their port of dischardge, and
accordingly they went to Bristoll, where ariving the said shipp and such
goods as were aboard her were seized or staid; And saith the
said shipp with her said lading of goods (saving the ginger) were and are
commonly reputed to belonge and to be the shipp and goods of the said duke
of Courland.
Theise witnesses Repeated before doctor Clarke./
Jacob [?janssen] [SIGNATURE, MIDDLE]
The 29th of december 1654. [CENTRE HEADING]
On the behalfe of William Courteene and}
company touching the Increase of London.}
John Cramp Comander and the George}
of Jersey, William [?Belin] master.}
Examined upon certaine Interrogatories
ministred on the behalfe of the said
Courteene and company, and being on the
file no. 123.
Captaine John Cramp of horsey downe in the parish of
Saint Olave Southwarke Mariner, aged 51 yeares or
thereabouts, sworne and examined.
To the first Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth that hee well knew
the shipp the Consent of London for seaven yeares or thereabouts before the
surprizall of her by the Spaniards in the yeare 1642. and had bin comannder
of her by the space of two yeares or thereabouts next before the said seizure